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supported by constant great pay), and the discharge of their other immense expenses incident to such a rebellion, from the city of London, and principally from their friends, not daring so rigidly to execute their ordinances generally but contented themselves with some severe judgments upon particular men, whom they had branded with some extraordinary mark of malignancy, out of London, save only that they gleaned among their own zealots upon voluntary collections and plundered by their army, which brought no supply to their common stock, and of what they imposed upon cities and towns in which they had garrisons (in which they had been likewise very tender) they had received very little." 111. Select any prominent historical personage, and outline an essay on his character as treated either in some history or in some imaginative work you have read. Write the introduction and the conclusion in full, but with regard to the body of the essay state briefly in logical order the main ideas you would introduce into it, and under each of the main ideas the subordinate ideas, each of which you would, if you wrote the essay out in full, expand into a paragraph. IV 1. Spell the words dictated by the Supervisor 2. Write and punctuate the passage dictated by the Supervisor

Class D.—Exercise in Dictation and Spelling. (Part of a Paper on English Grammar and Composition.) 1. Words- to spell Ehubarb, solecism, transcendent, ecstasy, ambergris, aqueous, lachrymal, vis-a-vis, dysentery, conduit, surfeit, intaglio, portmanteau, vignette, mnemonics, asafcetida, rhinoceros, pyrotechnic, hautboy 2. "My lords, I did not intend to have encroached again upon your attention, but I cannot repress my indignation —I feel myself impelled by every duty My lords, we are called upon as members of this House, as men, as Christian men, to protest against such notions, standing near the throne, polluting the ear of Majesty—'That God and Nature put into our hands!' I know not what ideas that lord may entertain of God and Nature, but I know that such abominable principles are equally abhorrent to religion and humanity What! attribute the sacred sanction of God and Nature to the massacres of the Indian scalpingknife —to the cannibal savage torturing, murdering, roasting, and eating literally, my lords, eating — the mangled victims of his barbarous battles! Such horrible actions shock every precept of religion, divine or natural, and every generous feeling of humanity And, my lords, they shock every sentiment of honour, they shock mo as a lover of honourable war and a detester of murderous barbarity "

Class D.—Abithmetic. Time allowed Three hours 1. Divide twenty-eight thousand and four million ninety thousand and forty-two by four hundred and ninety-five in factors, and explain the method of obtaining the correct remainder 2. A piece of land contains 2a. 2r. 16p.: how many trees will be required to plant it, allowing a space 5-k feet long and 4 feet broad for each tree ? 3. Multiply 97 miles 7 fur 22 p. 4 yd. 2 ft. 6 in. by 17f 4. Find, by Practice, the value of 262 a. 3r 18p. at £2 lis. Bd. per acre. 5. A rectangular block of stone, having a square base each side of which is 28f inches, contains cubic inches find its height. c, q- vc i+i + i f4 f 6. Simplify f^-^J T of gj 7 Eeduce -| of Tof a ton to the fraction of -£% of 4 cwt. 8. Explain the rule for reducing a pure circulating decimal to a vulgar fraction, taking as an illustration the decimal -297 9. Simplify the expression,— (2-3 x -857142 - 4-4 x 18) x (1 - 16) 10. A contractor engaged to make 1,920 yards of railway in 120 days, and for that purpose engaged 160 men , but after 24 days' work he found that he had executed only 240 yards how many additional men must he engage in order to finish the work in the stipulated time ? 11. It is known that the squares of the periodic times of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the Sun, and that the periodic times of the Earth and Jupiter are respectively 1 year and 11-862 years hence calculate to three decimal places the mean distance of Jupiter from the Sun, that of the Earth being taken as unity 12. Find the present value of £682 18s. 9Jd., due 3f years hence, at 4_ per cent, simple interest. 13. A person makes arrangements to lay by £150 at the end of every year find how r much he will possess at the end of 4 years, reckoning compound interest at 5 per cent. 14. A grocer had 300 lb. of tea, of which he sold 60 lb. at 3s. 7d. per pound, and found that he was gaining only 7_ per cent, at what price must he sell the remainder so as to gain 10 per cent, on his whole outlay ? 15. If mining shares, bought at 25J per cent, premium, pay 7_ per cent, on the investment, how much per cent, would they pay if bought at 10_ per cent, discount, \ per cent, in each case being allowed for brokerage ?