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Monday, 6th Notembee, 1882. The Commissioners met at Wellington at 2 p.m., and, after hearing the Commission read, on the motion of Mr. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Thomson, the Hon. Dr. Pollen took the chair. On the motion of the Chairman, Resolved, That Mr. St. Barbe be appointed the secretary to the Commission, and that Mr. W. Mitchell be appointed the shorthand writer to the Commission. The Commissioners received and perused various papers and plans relating to the countrj through which the proposed lines pass, and, after deliberating as to their movements, adjourned.

Tuesday, 7th Notembee, 1882. The Commission met at 10 a.m. All the members being present, the Commission deliberated, and adjourned till 11 a.m. to-morrow.

Wednesday, Bth Notembee, 1882. The Commission met at 11 a.m. Present: All the members. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Commission then adjourned.

Monday, 20th Notembee, 1882. The Commission, having travelled from Wellington via Blenheim, Tophouse, Tarndale, Jollies Pass, and Waikari, met in Christchurch. Present: Mr. Fulton, Hon. Dr. Pollen, and Mr. Thomson. Mr. Edward Dobson, C.E., examined. A deputation from the West Coast Railway League wafted upon the Commission, and, after some conversation, withdrew. The meeting then adjourned.

Wednesday, 22nd Notembee, 1882. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: All the members. Mr. H. B. Huddleston, C.E., and Mr. John Tinline, examined. The meeting then adjourned.

TnuESDAT, 23m> Notembee, 1882. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: All the members. A deputation from the West Coast Railway League, consisting of the Hon. E. Richardson, T. S. Weston, Esq., M.H.R., and W. Chrystall, Esq., waited upon the Commission and read a statement relating to the western route. Mr. C. Y. O'Connor waited upon the Commission, and, having been supplied with the heads of matters upon which the Commission requires information, undertook to provide it shortly. Mr. Frederick Back, Traffic Manager, Christchurch, and Mr. John Inglis, examined.

Fkiday, 24th Novembee, 1882. The Commission met at 10 a.m. Present: All the members. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and confirmed. A telegram from the Hon. the Minister for Public Works was read. Mr. C. T. O'Connor, C.E., produced, in compliance with the request made to him yesterday, a tabulated statement showing length, probable cost, distance constructed and to be constructed, of lines between Christchurch and Picton and Christchureh and Nelson ; also showing what agricultural, pastoral, and barren land the lines would pass through, and also showing amount of Crown and private laud along the routes. The tables not being quite perfect, Mr. O'Connor requested the Commission to allow him more time for their completion. Resolved, That Mr. O'Connor be requested to report whether a divergence via Maruia would be advisable, in view of the possibility of connecting the West Coast districts with the central line of railway northwards from Canterbury. Mr. Atkinson, of Rangiora, examined. The meeting then adjourned.