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A.-l, No. 11


admission to Sandhurst, they will be prepared to forward to the Governor of the Colony in question a sealed packet of examination papers, accompanied by instructions as to the mode of conducting the examination; or, should the demand for examination in the Colony be likely to be recurrent, they would be willing, for the purpose of avoiding delay, to supply the Governor with papers beforehand, to be used by him when the occasion should arise. " This course will accordingly be adopted, in preference to the arrangement originally proposed, of holding preliminary examinations in the Colonies under the authority of chartered Colonial Universities."

No. 45. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 25.) Sir, — Downing Street, 9th April, 1883. With further reference to the Despatch of the Officer Administering the Government, No. 74, of the 3rd of October, I have the honour to transmit to you, for communication to your Government, an extract of a letter which has been received from the War Office, in respect of the proposal of the authorities of the New Zealand University, that students who had passed the first local examination for the degree of 8.A., and are candidates for admission into the army, should be placed on the same footing as graduates and students of the Imperial Universities. As regards the further point raised in the enclosure to the Administrator's Despatch above referred to, you will observe, from another Despatch of this day's date, that the arrangement under which the Colonial Universities were empowered to conduct preliminary examinations for Sandhurst, has been superseded by a system which will admit of more general application. I have, &c, Governor Sir W. F. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c. DEEBY.

Enclosure. Extract from a Letter from the War Office to the Colonial Office, dated 9th March, 1883 (No. 092/400.) " With reference to my letter of the Bth December last, and to the papers which you forwarded on the 22nd of the following month, relative to the curriculum at the New Zealand University, I have the honour to acquaint you, by direction of the Secretary of State for War, for the Earl of Derby's information, that, in the absence of any information as to the standard of attainment required in the several subjects comprising the first B.A. examination at the above University, it is impossible to decide whether the examination referred to can be accepted as equivalent to the examinations of the Home Universities, as sot forth in paragraph 2 (b) of the Eegulations for Admission to the Eoyal Military College at Sandhurst."

Authority : Geohqe Diesisuey, Government Printer. Wellington.— 18S3.