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No. 28. " An Act to alter the Boundaries of the Peninsula Road District and the Portobello Road District; " No. 29. " An Act to grant certain Special Powers to the Governor to issue Crown Grants, and to enable him to carry out certain Contracts and Promises;''


No. 30. "An Act to empower the Executors of the late William Barnard Rhodes to pay certain additional Duties under Part 111. of the ' The Stamp Act, 1875.' •"

The Officer Administering the Government I have, &c, of New Zealand. DEEBY.

No. 33. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 8.) Sir, — Downing Street, 24th January, 1883. I have the honour to inform you that Her Majesty will not be advised to exercise her power of disallowance with respect to the following Acts of the Legislature of New Zealand, transcripts of which accompanied your Despatch No. 77, of the 6th October last, addressed to my predecessor, viz.: — No. 5. —" An Act to make Provision for the Preservation of the Peace in the West Coast District of the North Island of the Colony." No. 6.—" An Act to enlarge the time wherein Eeserves for Natives may be made under ' The Waikato Confiscated Lands Act, 1880.' " No. 8. —" An Act to indemnify certain Persons for Acts done by them on the West Coast of the North Island of New Zealand." I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government DEEBY. of New Zealand.

No. 34. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 9.) Sir, —■ Downing Street, 31st January, 1883. I have the honour to acquaint you that a letter has been received in this department from the Foreign Office, stating that Earl Granville had received a communication from the Eussian Ambassador at this Court, soliciting an introduction to the Governors of the different Australian Colonies in favour of Monsieur de Miklouho-Maclay, a member of the Imperial Geographical Society of Eussia. M. Maclay is already well known in Australia and New Zealand as a distinguished explorer and naturalist, and will no doubt receive all the consideration and attention which can be extended to him. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government DEEBY. of New Zealand.

Reply, A.-l, No. 34.

No. 35. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Administrator. (New Zealand.) Sir, — Colonial Office, Downing Street, 16th Eebruary, 1883. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 105, of the 29th December, enclosing a memorandum from the Colonial Treasurer, stating why New Zealand cannot be included in the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Eepublic of the Equator. On further reference to my predecessor's Circular Despatch of the Bth of July, 1881, you will see that it is provided that the Treaty shall apply to those Colonies named in the protocol, on whose behalf notice to that effect shall be given within one year from the date, not of the Treaty, as stated in the enclosure to your Despatch, but of the protocol to the Treaty. The date of the protocol would depend upon the date of the exchange of the ratifications ; and I may add that so recently as December last, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs was unaware whether the ratifications had been exchanged, or whether the protocol had been accepted and signed by the Government of the Equator. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government DEEBY. of New Zealand,

A.-l, No. 22.

Reply, A.-l, No. 37.