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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 58.—Militia and Volunteers £ 22,735 „ 59.—Police and Armed Constabulary ... 172,407 „ 60. —Stores and Magazines 3,785 „ 61. —Miscellaneous Services 7,519 TOTAL OF CLASS XII. ... 206,446 Item. :3-84. MILITIA AND VOLUNTEEES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 36 28 VOTE No. 58. Militia and Voltoteee Office— Clerk 350 ~2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Militia and Voltjnteees— Auckland — Officer Commanding Adjutant 1 Drill Instructor Forage and travelling allowances IVaikato — Cavalry Instructor Forage and travelling allowances Thames — Drill Instructor JSfapier — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Office allowance Taranaki — Adjutant and Officer Commanding Forage and travelling allowances Office allowance Wanc/anui — Officer Commanding Drill Instructor Forage and travelling allowances Wairarapa — Officer Commanding Office allowance Wellington— Officer Commanding Adjutant 3 Drill Instructors, 1 Sergeant-Major Artillery at £164 5s. (also Armed Constabulary £54 15s.), and 2 at £128 2s. Forage and travelling allowances ... 50 300 129 110 129 55 196 50 129 20 300 55 20 15 16 17 50 129 100 18 19 50 20 20 21 22 50 300 421 165 23