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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

item. 1883-84. 1,407 Miles. WORKING RAILWAYS— continued. £ VOTE No. 53— continued. HtTRrnsrui-BLUFF Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies Management of Reserves Amounts to be written off station accounts Deficiency in the accounts of the late Stationmaster at Tapanui Gratuities paid in connection with the fire at Dunedin Goods-shed Gratuity to the late Storeman at Oamaru leaving service through ill-health Gratuity to Widow of late Guard Harland Gratuity to Widow of late Guard Muddle... Gratuity to Widow of late Driver Meek ... Compensation to Widow of late Mr. Stevenson Compensation paid in connection with accident at Waitati Compensation paid for Injuries sustained by accident at. Burnham 174,660 134,802 118,946 3,041 656 317 252 4.4 23 89 145 90 520 130 121 Geetmotjtii Section — Maintenance Locomotive ... -—"777 Traffic -"vr;T General Charges and Contingencies 433,836 2,200 1,392 2,928 200 Westpoet Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 6,720 2,465 2,521 1,376 405 Nelson Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 6,767 11 1,867 1,928 2,194 200 6,189 VI Picton Section — Maintenance Locomotive Traffic General Charges and Contingencies 2,361 1,489 1,280 200 Miscellaneous — Maintenance of Telegraph Wires Debts irrecoverable 5,330 18 500 500 1,000 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 656,077 20,943 635,134