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Reply, A.-l, No. 21

See No. 27,


Enclosure 2. .'... Mr. Bramston to Mr. Mackelvie. Sir, — Downing Street, 4th October, 1882. I am directed by the Earl of Kimberley to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th ultimo respecting your wish to obtain from the War Office a gift of old arms and armour from the surplus stock in the Tower, for a Museum in Auckland. His Lordship regrets that it would not be in accordance with the practice of this office to recommend applications of this nature, except on the previous recommendation of the Colonial Government. Lord Kimberley has, however, addressed a Despatch to the Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand, inquiring whether his Government would desire that your application should, if practicable, be entertained by Her Majesty's Government. I have, &c, J. T. Mackelvie, Esq. John Bramston.

No. 13. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Administrator. (New Zealand. General.) Sir, — Colonial Office, Downing Street, 4th October, 1882. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 56, of the 7th August, returning the proof paper relating to the currency of the Colonies. 2. In the portion of the paper referring to New Zealand, it is stated that it is not necessary to refer to the Imperial enactments affecting currency, as they will be furnished by the Home Government. I have therefore thought it desirable to call the attention of your Government to the Imperial Act, 33 Vict., cap. 10, passed in 1870, to consolidate and amend the law relating to the coinage of Her Majesty's Mint, which has not yet been extended to the Colony under your Government; and I shall be glad to be informed whether your Ministers would wish any part of this Act (and, if so, what part or parts) to be brought into force in New Zealand, so that the necessary steps may be taken for the issue of the requisite Order of the Queen in Council, under section 11, subsection 9, of the Act. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government KIMBEELEY. of New Zealand.

No. 14. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Administrator. (No. 45.) Sir, — Downing Street, 9th October, 1882. With reference to your Despatch No. 48, of the 14th July, I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of your Government, a copy of a letter from the Eegistrar of the University of London, reporting the result of the matriculation examination recently held in New Zealand. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government KIMBEELEY. of New Zealand.

Enclosure. The University of London to the Colonial Office. Sir, — University of London, Burlington Gardens, W., sth October, 1882. I have the honour to transmit to you the following report upon the matriculation examination recently held in New Zealand in connection with this University :— Three candidates presented themselves at that examination, viz., one from Canterbury College, Christchurch, one from the University of Otago, and one from Nelson College. Of these, the firstnamed has been unsuccessful, being rejected by the Examiners in German, and being also weak in Latin. His examination number was 1,201. The other two candidates have passed in the Honours Division. No. 1,207 (Mr. J. W. Salmond, of the University of Otago) is placed equal with the first candidate in the original Honours List. The place of the other candidate, No. 1,219 (Mr. T. R. Fleming, of Nelson College), is next to the 24th candidate in the original Honours List.