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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. Vote 47. —Salaries and Contingencies £ 6,085 „ 48. —Native Land Court 16,117 „ 49.—" Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1881" ... 546 „ 50. —Miscellaneous Services 370 TOTAL OF CLASS IX. ... 23,118 1-84. SALAEIES AND CONTINGENCIES. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 27 26 £ i 2 3 ■I. 5 VOTE No. 47. Native Minister's Office— Under-Secretary Chief Clerk and Accountant Keeord Clerk Translator Interpreter (also Private Secretary to Native Minister £50) Clerk and Interpreter Cadet 600 400 250 300 6 7 260 250 80 1883-84. 1882-83. Number of officers ... 7 7 2,140 8 9 10 11 12 Salabies of Eteopean and Native Officees — Auckland — Native Agent, Auckland, Hauraki, and Waikato Interpreter (also Supreme Court £50, and Eesident Magistrate's Court £75) Hostelry Keeper and Messenger Native Office Bay of Islands, Kaipara, and Whangarei — Native Agent (also E.M. £250 Judicial) ... Mangoniii — Native Agent (also E.M. Judicial £75, Meteorological Observer £25, Eegistrar of Births &c. fees, and Customs Officer £75) Clerk, "Whangaroa (also Customs £100, and Judicial £50) Tauranga — Native Agent (also E.M. Judicial £300, Land Purchase £100, and Inspector of Native Schools £25) Clerk, Native Office (also Eesident Magistrate's Court £100, Customs £50, and Eegistrar of Births &c. fees) 400 125 100 100 100 13 20 14 150 15 50