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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1883-84. £ * Vote 40.—Head Office ... 2,475 „ 41. —Public Schools 274,135 „ 42.—Native Schools 15,100 „ 43. —Industrial Schools 11,270 „ 44. —Deaf-and-Dumb Institution 2,390 „ 45. —Higher Education 4,150 „ 46. —Miscellaneous Services ... 6,399 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. 315,919 Item. ,83-84. HEAD OFFICE. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total number of officers ... 8 5 £ 1 2 '3 4 5 6 7 VOTE No. 40. Head Office— Secretary Inspector-General Chief Clerk 5 Clerks, 1 at £200,1 at £175,1 at £160,1 at £85,1 at £G0 Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses Contingencies 650 345 350 080 100 150 200 2,475 Total —Vote No. 40 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 1883-84. 1882-83. Total numbers of officers ... 1 VOTE No. 41. Grants to Education Boards— 69,000 average attendances at £4 £276,000 0 0 Less Revenue from Reserves ... 21,000 0 0 2 8 4 5 G 7 Scholarships—69,000 Attendances at Is. 6d. Towards Cost of Inspection ... Training of Teachers Teachers' Examinations Preparation of Illustrations for School Books Purchase and Improvement of Eecreation Grounds for Public Schools Eebuilding and Furnishing of Schools destroyed by Fire 255,000 5,175 4,000 8,000 500 160 8 1,200 500 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 274,535 400 Total—Vote No. 41 274,135