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the medical examination in New Zealand of candidates for cadetships; and lam to request that you will move Mr. Childers to inform Lord Kimberley of the answers which should be returned to the various questions raised in Sir A. Gordon's Despatches. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, War Office. John Bbamston.

Enclosure 2. The War Office to the Colonial Office. Sir,— War Office, 29th July, 1882. I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th instant, forwarding copies of Despatches from the Governor of New Zealand, together with resolutions of the Senate of the University of that Colony, relative to the examination required of members of the University previous to their nomination as cadets at the Eoyal Miltary College, Sandhurst. With regard to the resolution dated 15th March, 1882, Mr. Secretary Childers desires me to acquaint you, for the information of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, that the ordinary entrance examination for the Eoyal Military College being strictly competitive, it would be impossible to recognize the first section of the examination for the degree of B.A. at the New Zealand University as equivalent to the further examination specified in paragraph eighteen of the accompanying regulations, except so far as relates to the students whom the University authorities are entitled, under certain conditions, to nominate at the rate of one per annum. I am further to remark that the rules approved by the Secretary of State, and notified to you in my letter of the Bth June, 1881, came into operation from that date ; and that the certificate of a medical officer of the Armed Constabulary in New Zealand will, under the circumstances mentioned, be accepted as sufficient evidence of the physical fitness for the army of University candidates for admission to the Eoyal Military College. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office. Ealph Thomson.

No. 9. The SECRETARy of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Administrator. (New Zealand, No. 36.) Sir, — Downing Street, 25th August, 1882. I have the honour to transmit to you the documents specified in the annexed Schedule. I have, &c, The Officer Administering the Government KIMBEELEY. of New Zealand.

Enclosure. The University of London to the Colonial Office. Sir, — University of London, Burlington Gardens, W., August, 22, 1882. In compliance with applications from the Sector of the Eoyal College, Mauritius, and from the Governor of New Zealand, I have the honour, in the absence of the Eegistrar, to forward to you herewith two sealed packets containing supplies of questions for.the ensuing B.A. examination to be held at Port Louis and at Dunedin, under the superintendence of sub-examiners to be appointed by the Governors of the several Colonies. With the examination papers are enclosed—(l.) Three copies of the latest regulations for degrees in arts. (2.) A copy of instructions to sub-examiners. (3.) Conditions on which colonial examinations are held. (4.) A supply of admission-cards. (5.) A pattern answer-book, to which it is desired that the books used at the examination may be made to conform as nearly as may be practicable, (6.) A sheet from the register of the University, on which the sub-examiner will cause each candidate to make the entries prescribed in the instructions above mentioned, and which must be returned with answers of the candidates. It is requested that these packets may be despatched by the next mails that leave this country, and that the answers of the candidate, together with the register sheets, may be forwarded to the University immediately upon their arrival. If at either centre no candidate should appear, the papers need not be returned; but it is requested that the fact may be notified to the Eegistrar. I have, &c. T. Le Marchant Dowse, E. G. W. Herbert, Esq., &c. Clerk to the Senate.


Date. Description of Document. 22nd August, 1882. Copy of a letter from the University of London, forwarding a sealed packet of questions for the ensuing B.A. examinatfon, to be held at Dunedin.