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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

[tern. 1883-84. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. £ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 VOTE No. 14. General Contingencies Bent of Government Offices Civil Service Examination Board " Public Health Act, 1876 " ... Pensions of late Provincial Governments— Wellington — T. George Mrs. Green Mrs. Lyall Nelson — Mrs. Bobinson ... ... Canterbury — T. Cass J. Beston Otago — J. Outratn H. N. Brewer, addition to Pension under " Civil Service Act, 1866," for special services rendered Secretary to Governme nt Officers' Guarantee Board (also Customs £300) Expenses under " The Fine Arts Copyright Act, 1877 " Expenses under "The Slaughterhouses Act, 1877 " Expenses under " The Adulteration Prevention Act, 1880" Expenses of Printing Transactions of New Zealand Institute Expenses of West Coast Boyal Commission Wellington Patent Slip Company, Guarantee of Interest Friendly Societies' Reserve, Dunedin, Bent of Land for Nelson Lunatic Asylum Compilation of Maori History Bonus for encouragement of Local Industries Importation of Ova of Salmon and other fish Land Claim of Sartoris, Downe, and others, balance of compensation awarded Fees on Crown Grants issued under " The West Coast Settlements Act, 1880 " Gratuity to Dr. Philson, late Surgeon of Auckland Hospital, for injury received in performance of duty Gratuity to Widow of late F. C. Pierard, employed as a Wood Engraver for the Geological Department Gratuity to W. Dixon for services rendered at a fire at Masterton which endangered Government buildings Establishment of Cheese and Dairy Factories Lighthouse dues remitted 10,000 200 250 2,200 50 50 20 100 400 200 188 25 100 10 10 17 450 18 19 500 1,000 20 21 22 23 24 25 2,450 21 300 200 1,000 500 844 26 27 1,000 28 300 60 29 30 31 25 800 1,205 Total—Vote No. 14 ... 24,458 TOTAL OF CLASS II. £225,804