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to transmit a copy of a letter received from the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, dated 17th January, 1882, replying to your Lordship's Circular. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley, &c. A. E. Kennedy.

Sub-Enclosure. The Hon. T. Mcllwraith, Colonial Secretary, to Governor Sir A. E. Kennedy, G.C.M.G., C.B. Sir, — Colonial Secretary's Office, Brisbane, 17th January, 1882. With reference to the Circular Despatch addressed to your Excellency by the Eight Hon. the Secretary of State for the Colonies, under date 25th October last, transmitting a copy of " The Fugitive Offenders Act," passed during the last session of the Imperial Parliament, I have the honour to request that your Excellency will be good enough to move Earl Kimberley to obtain from Her Majesty an Order in Council directing the application of Part 11. of the Act to the Australian group of Colonies, including New Zealand and Fiji, as the Intercolonial Warrants Bill, passed during the last session of our Parliament, and now under reservation for Her Majesty's assent, can, even if assented to, be of little advantage to this Colony, owing to the fact that no steps have been taken by the other Colonies to carry out the agreement entered into at the late Conference of Eepresentatives to obtain the passage through each of the Colonial Legislatures of a similar measure. I have, &c, Sir A. E. Kennedy, G.C.M.G., C.B. Thomas Mcllwraith.

No. 4. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 19.) Sir,— Downing Street, 18th May, 1882. With reference to my Despatch, No. 10, of the 3rd ultimo, I have the honour to transmit to you the documents specified in the annexed schedule. The Officer Administering the Government I have, &c, of New Zealand. KIMBEELEY.

No. a.

Enclosure. Extract from a Letter from the University of London to the Colonial Office, dated Burlington Gardens, 17th May, 1882. " In conformity with the arrangement agreed to in my letter to Mr. Bramston, of March 28th last, I also forward four packets of questions for examinations to be held at four centres in New Zealand (to be selected by the Governor of the Colony), each examination to be similarly conducted by a Sub-Examiner appointed by the Governor. " The results of the examinations in New Zealand will be communicated to the Gilchrist Trustees, with a view to the award to the most successful candidate of the Gilchrist Scholarship biennially allotted to that Colony ; but it should be made clear to the colonial authorities that the University takes no further part in such award, and that the Gilchrist Trustees have no control whatever over the examinations. " With each packet I enclose —1. Conditions on which colonial examinations are held.—2. Two copies of the regulations relating to the matriculation examination.—3. A copy of the instructions to the Sub-Examiner in charge of the examination.—4. A sheet from the Eegister of the University, on which the Sub-Examiner will cause each candidate to make the entries prescribed in the instructions, and which must be returned to me with the answers of the candidates.—s. A supply of admission cards.—6. A pattern answer-book, to which it is desired that the books used at the examination may be made to conform, as nearly as may be found practicable. And—7. (In the New Zealand packets only) A copy of the conditions of the Gilchrist Scholarship. "It is requested that these packets of questions may be despatched, without fail, as follows : Those for New Zealand by the San Francisco mail of to-morrow, the 18th instant. " The matriculation examination will commence in this country on the 19th of June. As the packets for New Zealand may not have reached their destination by that date, it is requested that the earliest possible day after their arrival may be appointed for the commencement of the examination. " I have only finally to request that if, at any centre, no candidate should appear, the registersheet may notwithstanding be returned, so that we may not be left in doubt whether or not answers are to be expected from such centre."


Date. Description of Document. 17th May, 1882. 1. Extract from a letter from the Eegistrar of the University of London, relative to the examinations for the Gilchrist Scholarship in New Zealand. 2. Four sealed packets of examination questions. In mail-bag.