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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. The Secretary of State for the Colonies to His Excellency the Governor. (New Zealand, No. 7.) Sir,— Downing Street, 9th March, 1882. With reference to my Despatch, No. 25, of the 30th June last, respecting the nomination by Chartered Colonial Universities of candidates for cadetships at the Eoyal Military College at Sandhurst, I have the honour to transmit to you the enclosed copies of a correspondence with the War Office, from which you will perceive that the Secretary of State for War has acquiesced in a suggestion made by the Governor of South Australia, relating to the medical examination of candidates from those Colonies in which no Imperial troops are stationed. I have, &c, KIMBEELEY. Governor the Hon. Sir A. H. Gordon, G.C.M.G., &c.

Reply, A.-l, No. 3,

Enclosures. (South Australia, No. 2.) My Loud, — Government House, Adelaide, 6th January, 1882. In paragraph 6 of your Lordship's Despatch, No. 33, of 30th June, 1881, respecting the nomination by Chartered Colonial Universities of cadets to the Eoyal Military College at Sandhurst, it is stated that "it will be necessary for the nominated candidate to be examined by a military or naval medical officer at the Australian Colonies, and a certificate stating that he is, in all respects, physically fit for military service, should accompany the certificates of age and character." 2. There are, however, no troops quartered at the Australian Colonies, and the visits of Her Majesty's ships-of-war are very occasional. The authorities of the University therefore inquire whether a certificate granted by a medical officer of the local military force will satisfy the rule above quoted. 3. I would suggest that, under the circumstances, the certificate of the Surgeon-Major of the South Australian Local Forces would be a full guarantee for a candidate's physical fitness; and, should this view be agreed to by the War Office, I have the honour to request that I may be authorized to inform the authorities of the University of Adelaide to that effect. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Kimberley, &c. Wm. F. Dkummond Jekvois.

Sir, — Downing Street, 24th February, 1882. With reference to previous correspondence respecting the nomination by Chartered Colonial Universities of cadets to the Eoyal Military College at Sandhurst, I am directed by the Earl of Kimberley to transmit to you, to be laid before Mr. Secretary Childers, a copy of a Despatch from the Governor of South Australia, suggesting that a certificate granted by the Surgeon-Major of the South Australian Local Forces should be accepted as a guarantee of a candidate's physical fitness. Lord Kimberley presumes that this concession, if granted in the case of South Australia, will also be extended to New South Wales, Victoria, and New Zealand, being the other Colonies where no Imperial troops are stationed, to whom your letter of the Bth June was communicated. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, War Office. J. Bramston.

Note.— Despatches will also be found in the following papers :• —West -Coast Native Affairs (A.-4) ; Petition from Maoris'to the Queen (A.-6) ; Native Affairs and the Amnesty (A.-8); Crown Lands Department Report (C.-l) ; and Education, University of New Zealand (E.-5.) . I—A. 2.