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a_ .2 _*fi t2 ® Date and Original Number. Subject. Page, 1 .2 3 4 1882. 9 Mar. (No. 7) ... 3 Apr. (No. 10) ... 5 Apr. (No. 12) ... 18 May (No. 19) ... Medical Examination of Candidates for Cadetships at Sandhurst Gilchrist Scholarship : Biennial Matriculation Examinations '.'. . Fugitive Offenders Act: As to extension to New Zealand Gilchrist Scholarship : Forwarding Instructions as to Examinations Christchurch Exhibition : Her Majesty has accepted Gold Medal sent by the Promoters As to English Party to observe the Transit of Venus ... Domiciliary clause of Order in Council under " The Merchant Shipping (Colonial) Act, 1869." Cadetships at Sandhurst: As to candidates nominated by Colonial Universities University of London B.A. Examination at Dunedin : Questions, &c. 1 2..2, 3 .5 29 June (No. 29) ... 4 6 •7 21 July (General) ... 4 Aug. (No. 31) ... 4 :4 8 8 Aug. (No. 32) ... 5 9 25 Aug. (No. 36) ... 6 10 11 6 Sept. (Circular)... 6 Sept. (Circular)... Proposed Emigration from Ireland under the Arrears of Eent Act Postal relations between France and the Australasian Colonies : Draft Agreement Mr. T. Mackelvie, of Auckland, has applied for a gift of Arms and Armour, from the Tower, for Auckland Museum Currency of the Colonies : That the Imperial Act, 33 Vict., c 10, be brought into operation in New Zealand University of London Examination at Dunedin: Eeporting Eesult Treaty of Commerce, &c, with the Eepublic of the Equator Discharged Soldiers' (Wanganui) Petition to H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, for Grants of Land Mr. E. Newton proposes to visit New Zealand on behalf of the Government of the Argentine Eepublic, to study Sheep-farming Asking the views of the Government as to proposed Immigration from Ireland Mr. Luke Madigan, late 70th Foot, has applied for a grant of land Postal relations between France and the Australasian Colonies ... Asking for information as to New Zealand's mgide of valuing Imports and Exports Postal Union : Alteration of Eates and Conditions of Union Acknowledging receipt of Despatch respecting appointment of Mr. Conolly, and certain Ministerial changes Acknowledging Dunedin and Invercargill Addresses on the success of H.M.'s Forces in Egypt 7 7 12 4 Oct. (No. 44) ... 9 13 4 Oct. (General) ... 10 14 15 16 9 Oct. (No. 45) ... 14 Oct. (General) ... 2 Nov. (No. 47) ... 10 11 11 17 9 Nov. (No. 48) ... 12 18 20 Nov. (Circular)... 1319 28 Nov. (No. 51) ... 13 20 21 29 Nov. (Circular)... 4 Dec. (Circular)... 14 15 22 23 13 Dec. (Circular)... 22 Dec. (No. 52) ... 15 16 24 27 Dec. (No. 53)... 16-