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The motion of Mr. Feldwick, " That, it having been intimated to the Committee that Bishop Luck, Eoman Catholic Bishop of Auckland, desires to give evidence, his evidence be received if tendered, and that the same be intimated to him," was then put by the Hon. the Chairman to the Committee. Moved by the Hon. Mr. Eeynolds, as an amendment, That the Chairman cause an intimation to be made through the Press reporters that the Committee is willing to take such evidence on the working of the present education system as may be tendered to it. Upon which the Hon. the Chairman ruled that he could not accept it as an amendment by way of addition, but recommended the Hon. Mr. Eeynolds to move it as a substantive motion. The motion of Mr. Feldwick was then again put to the Committee and carried. Moved by Mr. Barron, That the Chairman cause an intimation to be made through the Press reporters that the Committee is willing to take such evidence on the working of the present education system as may be tendered to it.—Carried. The Committee then adjourned until Wednesday, the 15th instant, at 11 a.m.

Wedhesday, 15th August, 1883. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present : Legislative Council—Hon. Colonel Brett (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. Barnicoat, Hon. Mr. Bonar, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Hon. Dr. Grace, Hon. Mr. Hart, Hon. Mr. Holmes, Hon. Mr. J. Johnston, Hon. Mr. Lahmann, Hon. Mr. Menzies, Hon. Mr. Miller, Hon. Mr. Eeynolds. House of Eepresentatives—Mr. Barron, Mr. J. Buchanan, Mr. De Lautour, Mr. Dick, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Feldwick, Mr. Fish, Mr. Munro, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. J. G. Wilson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, corrected, and confirmed. The correspondence and telegrams which passed between the Hon. the Chairman and Bishop Luck, of Auckland, and Bishop Moran, of Dunedin, were read and approved. On the motion of Dr. Grace, Resolved, That the first transcript of the shorthand notes of Bishop Moran's evidence be sent to him for his revisal by the first mail. Moved by the Hon. Mr. Holmes, That the following gentlemen—Mr. Tole, Mr. Sheehan, Mr. Pilliet, Hon. Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Montgomery, and Mr. Hislop —be summoned to give evidence before the Committee. Upon the question being put to the meeting it was negatived. On the motion of Hon. Mr. Eeynolds, Resolved, That the Chairman cause an intimation to be made to the Wellington papers, as well as through the Press reporters, that the Committee is willing to take such evidence on the working of the present education system as may be tendered to it. Mr. Shrimski, M.H.E., attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. Mr. Shrimski was thanked for his attendance, and retired. On the debate as to whether the evidence should be printed or not, it was decided that the question should be considered by the Committee after all the evidence had been taken. The Committee then adjourned until further notice.

Tuesday, 21st August, 1883. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Legislative Council—Hon. Colonel Brett (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. Barnicoat, Hon. Mr. Bonar, Hon. Mr. P. A. Buckley, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Hon. Dr. Grace, Hon. Mr. Hart, Hon. Mr. Holmes, Hon. Mr. Johnston, Hon. Mr. Menzies, Hon. Mr. Eeynolds. House of "Representatives —Mr. Barron, Mr. J. Buchanan, Mr. De Lautour, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Fish, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. J. G. Wilson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The order of reference from the House of Eepresentatives, dated the 17th August, granting extension of time for one month for bringing up the report, was read. A letter from the Eev. Mr. Coffey, curate of St. Marks, desiring to give evidence before the Committee was read. The Chairman stated that he had written in reply informing Mr. Coffey that the Committee would meet to-day, and that if he could come at 12 o'clock the Committee would probably be able to receive his evidence. A letter was also read from two school-teachers, with the Chairman's reply thereto, which was approved. Bishop Luck, Eoman Catholic Bishop of Auckland, was then requested to attend, and gave evidence, which was taken down. Bishop Luck was thanked for his attendance, and withdrew. Moved by the Hon. Mr. P. A. Buckley, That the evidence of the Eev. Mr. Coffey be received on Thursday next, at 11 o'clock.—Carried. Moved by the Hon. Dr. Grace, and seconded by Mr. Dodson, That after Thursday next no further evidence be taken by this Committee. Moved by the Hon. Mr. .igonar, as an amendment, That further consideration of the Hon. Dr. Grace's motion be postponed until Thursday next, and that notice of the motion be given that no further evidence iViil be taken after that day. Upon the question being put a division was called for, the names being taken down as follows:— Ayes, s. —Hon. Mr. Acland, Mr. Barron, Hon. Mr. Bonar, Mr. Swanson, Mr. J. G. Wilson. Noes, 8. —Hon. Mr. Barnicoat, Mr. J. Buchanan, Hon. Mr. P. A. Buckley, Mr. De Lautour, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Mr. Dodson, Hon. Dr. Grace, Mr. Turnbull. Amendment negatived.