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Moved by the Hon. Dr. Grace, That the Primate of New Zealand be summoned to attend as a witness. After the question had been put by the Hon. the Chairman, but before the votes were taken down, Mr. Turnbull, a member of the Committee, entered the Committee-room. The Hon. the Chairman asked if it was the pleasure of the Committee that Mr. Turnbull's vote should be taken down. The Committee assented thereto, and the votes were accordingly taken down with the following result:— Ayes, s.—Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Hon. Dr. Grace, Mr. Pyke, Mr. Turnbull. Noes, s. —Mr. Barron, Hon. Mr. Dick, Hon. Mr. Lahmann, Mr. Munro, Mr. Wilson. The numbers being equal, the Hon. the Chairman gave his casting vote with the Ayes, and declared the motion carried. Mr. Barron objected to Mr. Turnbull's vote being taken, on the ground of his not having been present when the question was put. The Hon. Dr. Grace asked leave to withdraw his motion, and on the question being put leave to withdraw was granted. The Committee then adjourned until such day as the Hon. the Chairman may appoint.

Friday, 3rd August, 1883. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Legislative Council—Hon. Colonel Brett (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. P. A. Buckley, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Hon. Dr. Grace, Hon. Mr. Lahmann. House of Eepresentatives— Mr. Barron, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. De Lautour, Mr. Feldwick, Mr. Munro, Mr. Pyke, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. J. G. Wilson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Upon the question being put by the Hon. the Chairman, " That these minutes be confirmed," a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follows: — Ayes, 6.—Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. P. A. Buckley, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Mr. Feldwick, Hon. Dr. Grace, Hon. Mr. Lahmann. Noes, 2.—Mr. Barron, Hon. Mr. Dick. The motion was therefore carried. Moved by the Hon. Mr. Dick, and seconded by the Hon. Dr. Grace, That, it having been shown by the Hon. the Chairman that the vote given by Mr. Turnbull was irregular, it is hereby resolved that the motion of the Hon. Dr. Grace, as recorded at the last meeting, be considered as not having been put.—Carried. A statement of the additional petitions relating to education received by both Houses was placed before the Committee. Bishop Eedwood, Eoman Catholic Bishop of Wellington, attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. Bishop Eedwood was thanked for his attendance, and retired. The Hon. the Chairman placed before the Committee an official memorandum from the Eegis-trar-General, giving statistics compiled from the Census of April, 1881, showing the population, the numbers and proportions per cent, of the population belonging to different religious denominations, and the number of schools and scholars for the fourth quarter of 1882. Resolved, That the memorandum be attached to the evidence. Resolved, That this meeting do now adjourn until 11 o'clock a.m. on Monday, the 6th instant.

Monday, 6th August, 1883. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Legislative Council—Hon. Colonel Brett (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. P. A. Buckley, Hon. Mr. Dignan, Hon. Dr. Grace, Hon. Mr. J. Johnston, Hon. Mr. Lahmann, Hon. Mr. Menzies, Hon. Mr. Miller. House of Eepresentatives—Mr. Barron, Mr. J. Buchanan, Mr. De Lautour, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Feldwick, Mr. Fergus, Mr. Fish, Mr. Munro, Mr. Pyke, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull. The order of reference from the House of Eepresentatives, dated the 3rd August, That the number of members on the Education Petitions Committee be increased to fifteen, was read. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Hon. the Chairman read a letter received from Bishop Moran, asking to be allowed to give evidence before the Committee. On the motion of the Hon. Dr. Menzies, Resolved, That the Hon. the Chairman be desired to inform Bishop Moran, in reply to his letter requesting permission to give evidence before the Committee, that the decision of the Committee will be made known to him during the course of the day. Bishop Hadfield, Episcopalian Bishop of Wellington, was in attendance and gave evidence, which was taken down. Bishop Hadfield was thanked for his attendance, and retired. On the motion of Mr. Fish, seconded by the Hon. Mr. Miller, Resolved, That Bishop Moran be informed that the Committee will be happy to receive any evidence that he may wish to offer on Wednesday next, the Bth instant, at 11 a.m. The Committee then adjourned until Wednesday, the Bth August, at 11 a.m.