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MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Monday, 13th August, 1883. The Joint Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Legislative Council —Hon. Dr. Pollen (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Acland, Hon. Mr. Hart, Hon. Mr. Holmes, Hon. Mr. G. E. Johnson, Hon. Mr. Menzies, Hon. Mr. Miller, Hon. Mr. J. C. Eichmond, Hon. Mr. Eobinson, Hon. Mr. Williams. House of Eepresentatives—Mr. Driver, Mr. George, Hon. Mr. W. W. Johnston, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Montgomery, Hon. Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Swanson. On the motion of Mr. Driver, seconded by the Hon. Mr. Eolleston, Besolved, That Dr. Pollen ■do take the chair. On the motion of Mr. Joyce, Besolved, That the Government be requested to lay before this Committee the particulars and conditions of contract, as between the Government and the New Zealand Shipping Company, now awaiting ratification or rejection. The Hon. Mr. Holmes moved, That no contract for a direct steam service be entered into before the next session of the General Assembly, and that in the meantime the Agent-General be directed to make the best arrangement he can for the conveyance of Government freight and immigrants. Besolved, That the Hon. Mr. Holmes be allowed to withdraw from his motion all the words after the word " Assembly." Besolved, That the motion as amended be agreed to. Mr. Macandrew moved, That in the meantime the Government be requested to direct the AgentGeneral to make the best arrangement he can for the conveyance of Government immigrants and freight, and that he be further directed to give due consideration to the claim upon the colony of the New Zealand Shipping Company in respect of its enterprise in connection with direct steam. Mr. Swanson moved, That in the meantime the Government be instructed to make such terms, •consistent with efficiency, as will be least burdensome on the public revenue. The Committee then adjourned until 11 a.m. on Wednesday, the 15th August, 1883.

Wednesday, 15th August, 1883. The Joint Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Legislative Council—Hon. Dr. Pollen (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Hart, Hon. Mr. Holmes, Hon. Mr. G. E. Johnson, Hon. Mr. Menzies, Hon. Mr. Miller, Hon. Mr. J. C. Eichmond, Hon. Mr- Eobinson, Hon. Mr. Williamson. House of Eeprcsentatives—Mr. W. C. Buchanan, Mr. Driver. Mr. George, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Swanson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Besolved, That Mr. Macandrew be allowed to withdraw his motion. Mr. Swanson again moved, That in the meantime the Government be instructed to make such terms, consistent with efficiency, as will be least burdensome on the public revenue. Mr. Macandrew moved, as an amendment, That all the words after the word "That," in the original motion, be struck out, for the purpose of inserting the following in lieu thereof: " this Committee is of opinion that it is inexpedient to enter into any steam contract until the next session of the General Assembly, and that in the meantime the Agent-General should be directed to make the best arrangements he can for the conveyance of Government immigrants and cargo, at such rates as the Government may approve; and, further, that in making such arrangements due regard should be paid to the claim which the New Zealand Shipping Company, by its enterprise, has upon the colony. And the question being put, " That the words proposed to be struck out stand part of the question," a division took place and the names were taken down as follows : — Ayes, 10.—Mr. Driver, Mr. George, Hon. Mr. Holmes, Mr. Joyce, Hon. Mr. J. C. Eichmond, Hon. Mr. Eobinson, Hon. Mr. Eolleston, Mr. Sutton, Mr. Swanson, Hon. Mr. Williamson. Noes, 5. —Mr. W. C. Buchanan, Hon. Mr. Hart, Hon. Mr. G. E. Johnson, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Miller. So it was resolved in the affirmative. And the original question being put, it was resolved in the affirmative. On the motion of Mr. Sutton, Besolved, That in making such arrangements due regard should be paid to the claim which the New Zealand Shipping Company, by its enterprise, has upon the •colony. Mr. Macandrew moved, That, having regard to the safety and comfort of passengers.the Government be requested (all other things being equal) to give the preference to unsinkable ships. And, the question being put,la division took place and the names were taken down as follows :— Ayes, 7.—Mr. W. C. Buchanan, Mr. Driver, Mr. George, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Macandrew, Hon. Mr. Menzies, and Hon. Mr. J. C. Eichmond.