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The Treasurer laid upon the table a memorandum re the discrepancy between the list of securities standing in the name of the Postmaster-General on the 31st December, 1882, and the list of securities belonging to the Post Office, dated the 27th March, 1883. (See Appendix.) Adjourned till Thursday next, at 11 o'clock.

Thursday, 2nd August, 1883. Present: Mr. Moss (Chairman), Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Peacock, Mr. J. G. Wilson, Mr. Wright. The Committee considered the reference from the Treasury re Government Insurance. Mr: D. M. Luckie, Commissioner of Insurance, was examined. Adjourned till Tuesday next, at 11 o'clock.

Tuesday, 14th August, 1883. Present: Mr. Moss (Chairman), Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Peacock, Mr. J. G-. Wilson, Mr. Wright. Government Insurance Department : Consideration resumed. Mr. Luckie was further examined. Adjourned till Thursday next, at 11 o'clock.

Feiday, 24th August, 1883. Present: Mr. Moss (Chairman), Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. J. W. Thomson, Mr. Wright. Government Insurance Department: Consideration resumed. Mr. C. G. Knight and Mr. D. M. Luckie were examined. Adjourned till Monday next, at 10 o'clock.

Monday, 27th August, 1883. Present: Mr. Moss (Chairman), Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Wright. Government Insurance Department: consideration resumed. Mr. Knight and Mr. Luckie were further examined. On the motion of the Hon. Major Atkinson, Unsolved, That a Sub-committee be appointed, to consist of the Chairman, Mr. Barron, and Mr. Wright, to report to the Committee at their' next meeting. Adjourned till Wednesday next at 11 o'clock.

Wednesday, 29th August, 1883. Present: Mr. Moss (Chairman), Mr. Barron, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Wright. Government Insurance Department: consideration resumed. The Sub-committee submitted the following report: "The Sub-committee appointed at the last meeting have visited the office of the Insurance Department; They have inspected the forms and papers, and, so far as the time at their disposal enabled them to inquire into the subject, they are of opinion that the precautions taken in that respect to secure thorough investigation into the character of the lives accepted are satisfactory." On the motion of Mr. Peacock the report was adopted. Government Insurance Department : consideration resumed. Mr. H. S. H. Lyall was examined. Adjourned till next Friday, at ll o'clock, when the Chairman would submit the draft interim report to the Committee.

Friday, 31st August, 1883. The Chairman stated that he had prepared a draft interim report. Motion made, That the consideration of the draft report be adjourned until further evidence is taken.— (Mr. Montgomery.) Motion seconded by Mr. Dargaville. Amendment proposed, That the word "adjourned" be omitted, in order to insert the word "postponed."' — (Mr Wright.) Question put, " That the word proposed to be left out stand part of the question. The Committee divided. Ayes : Mr. Barron, Mr. Dargaville, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Wilson. Noes : Mr. Peacock, Mr. "Wright. Original question—That the consideration of the draft report be adjourned until further evidence is taken—put and carried. Motion made and question, That the Committee at its rising adjourn till 11 o'clock to-morrow. — (Mr. Montgomery.) Motion put, and earned. Motion made and question, That Mr. Thorne be summoned to give evidence at to-morrow's meeting.— (Mr. Montgomery.) Motion put, and carried.