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No. 426.—Petition of William Odlum. The petitioner states that he served through the Waikato war; that he was recommended for a piece of land, and went and settled on the Onetaia Block ; that he has been in possession of the land for over eight years, and asks for the grant. I am directed to report: That it appears that the land referred to is now waste land of the Crown, and can only be dealt with as the law directs. The Committee therefore have no recommendation to make on the petitioner's case. 4th September, 1883. _____

No. 506.—Petition of Thomas Thomson, Port Chalmers. The petitioner states that he served as a Volunteer in the Port Chalmers Volunteer Naval Brigade from September, 1870, to August, 1883 ; that under the provisions of " The Volunteer Act, 1865," he was entitled to land; that he laid his claim before the Soyal Commission, which claim was not recognized. He prays for an investigation into his claim. I am directed to report: That the Committee have no recommendation to make in the petitioner's case. 4th September, 1383.

No. 523. —Petition of George Neale. The petitioner states that he is an ex-constable of the New Zealand Armed Constabulary ; that he was in the force over fifteen years, during which time he served in the Maori war ; that he has asked for, and been refused, an inquiry into serious charges made by him with reference to the conduct of his superior officers, which resulted in the termination of his services in the Police Force. He now prays for an inquiry, and that his case may be favourably considered. I am directed to report: That, owing to the late period of the session, the Committee cannot make full inquiries into this case. The Committee therefore have no recommendation to make to the House. 4th September, 1883.

No. 499.—Petition of A. P. Sutton, Masterton. The petitioner states that he was appointed a Sheep Inspector in 1879, and has been so engaged up to the present time ; he was placed in charge of the Wairarapa in 1881, and continued in charge until the 13th August last ; that certain charges were preferred against him, that he has demanded an inquiry, which has been refused. He prays that an inquiry may be instituted into his conduct as Sheep Inspector. I am directed to report: That, owing to the late perion of the session, the Committee regret they cannot deal with the case. 4th September, 1883.

No. 41.—Petition of Samuel Cbickett. The petitioner states that he took up an allotment of land at Pokeno belonging to his son, on his relinquishing his claim in petitioner's favour ; that he then erected a six-roomed house and put other improvements thereon ; that his son died without making a will ; that he resided five years on the land, and made an application for a title. It was subsequently put up for sale, without improvements, and sold by the Government. He asks that his case may be reconsidered. lam directed to report: That the Committee see no reason to alter their decision of last year. 4th September, 1883.

No. 106.—Petition of Henby Bauokb, Chatham Islands. The petitioner states that he presented a petition to the House last session, when he stated his claim to the Committee, but that the matter was left unfinished. He now prays that his case may be brought to a close. I am directed to report: That, as the subject-matter of this petition has been fully inquired into by a former Committee and dealt with, the Committee have no further recommendation to make. 6th September, 1883.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbubt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBSS.