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No. 422.—Petition of Joseph Wise and Others, Dunedin. The petitioners, articled law clerks of Dunedin, complain that they are considerably prejudiced by "The Law Practitioners Act, 1882;" that the said Act contains no saving clause by which are exempted from its operations law students who, at the time of passing that Act, were under articles. They pray for relief. lam directed to report: That the Committee recommend the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the House. 17th August, 1883.

No. 425.—Petition of William George Garrard (No. 2), Auckland. The petitioner states that he has been grossly wronged at the hands of Thomas Cottle, acting as Eeturning Officer for the Government. He prays for relief. I am directed to report: That the Committee, having fully inquired into the petitioner's case last session, see no reason to alter the decision then arrived at. 17th August, 1883.

No. 435.—Petition of Andrew Thompson (No. 3), Waikouaiti. The petitioner states that he is informed that the House has decided that the Courts of law are the proper places to decide whether Mr. James Green, M.H.E., is qualified or not to hold his seat; that he has done everything he could to bring the matter before the law-courts, but his bond was refused. He prays for relief. I am directed to report: That the Committee have no recommendation to make on the petitioner's case. 17th August, 1883.

No. 438. —Petition of Hubert Dolphine and Others, Mokihinui. The petitioners pray that a bridge may be erected across the Eiver Ngakawa, nineteen miles north of Westport. lam directed to report: That the Committee are of opinion that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st August, 1883.

No. 487. —Petition of Joseph Tayloe and Others. The petitioners, residents of Wallsend, Taylorville, and Brunnerton, ask for the construction of a foot-bridge over the river between the Townships of Wallsend and Taylorville. No. 473. —Petition of W. F. Knight and Others. The petitioners, residents of Tahoraite, Waipawa County, ask that the railway-line may be extended, and that a railway-station may be erected at the Tahoraite Settlement. lam directed to report: That the Committee are of opinion that these petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd August, 1883.

, No. 220.—Petition of W. L. Fowler and Others. The petitioners, residents of the southern portion of the Westland Educational District, complain of the unjustifiable and illegal conduct of the Central Board, and that a total want of confidence in the Central Board, as at present constituted, prevails. They pray that Westland may be constituted a separate educational district. I am directed to report: That the Committee are of opinion that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd August, 1883.

No. 490.—Petition of T. M. Lane. The petitioner, Chairman of the Mongo'nui County, asks that the construction of a trunk system of railways may be completed. No. 489.—Petition of E. Thompson. The petitioner, Chairman of a County Council north of Auckland, asks that the construction of a trunk system of railways may be completed. I am directed to report: That the Committee are of opinion that these petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd August, 1883.

No. 450.—Petition of C. H. Eussell and Others. The petitioners, subscribers to the Stirling Athengsum, pray that an endowment of Crown land may be set apart for the same. I am directed to reporjfc: That the Committee are of opinion that the petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 24th August, 1883.

No. 419.—Petition of Archibald Smith. The petitioner states that for fourteen years he performed the duties of boatman and acting Locker in the Customs, Auckland; that through ill health he was compelled to retire from the service; and that he has been awarded a pension of £27 13s. per annum. He prays for further consideration.