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No. 256—Petition of William Foughy, Auckland. The petitioner states that he was the contractor for the engine-sheds at the railway station, Auckland ; that he was put to extra expense for material, owing to the second plan (supplied to him after entering into the contract) being an extended plan of detail plan No. 3 and cross-section No. 2; that he completed the contract, and sent in a claim for £127 155., being amount for material and extra work caused through such alteration in plan. He prays for relief. lam directed to report: That, as the detail drawings of the roof of the building do not correspond to the general plan, the petitioner has been put to extra cost in consequence. The Committee therefore recommend that he be paid the difference, as calculated from the schedule prices attached to his tender. The Committee further recommend that for the future correct plans be forwarded for the information of tenderers. Ist August, 1883.

No. 16.—Petition of Thomas W. P. Smith, Kaitaia. The petitioner states that a Court of inquiry was held at Manganui, in May of this year, into some supposed irregularities in the Kaitaia Volunteer list, at which Court your petitioner was a witness ; that a rumour was current that he had given false evidence, which rumour was traced to the report of the presiding Magistrates. He prays that an inquiry may be made into the reasons for two officers of the Government making a false and calumnious report to the Government. lam directed to report: That, from the evidence before the Committee, it does not appear that any publicity was given to the report referred to, and said by petitioner to contain charges against himself. The Committee do not, therefore, consider it a case which they are justified in dealing with. Ist August, 1883.

Nos. 154, 266, 267, 269, and 270.—Petitions of L. Pozzi and Others (No. 1), William Nixon and Others, Alfeed Bastings and Others (No. 2), E. G. Chiffey and Others (No. 3), and Alfeed Beagg and Others. The petitioners pray that the Extension of Hours of Polling Act may pass into law. lam directed to report: That the Committee are of opinion that these petitions be referred to the Government for consideration. 2nd August, 1883.

Nos. 123 and 310.—Petitions of E. G. Chiffey and Others (No. 2), and Eobeet Haedy and Others (No. 2). The petitioners pray that the Eight Hours Bill may pass into law. I am directed to report: That, the subject-matter of these petitions being now before the House, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 2nd August, 1883.

Nos. 155, 268, 271, 272, 273, 274, and 275.—Petitions of Leonaed Pozzi and Others (No. 2), H. Hobbs and Others, E. Goldston and Others, E. Eutheefoed and Others, W. Weeey and Others, J. Mclvee and Others, and T. Sneddon and Others. The petitioners pray that the Constitution Act may be amended so that no person shall have more than one vote. lam directed to report: That, as the subject-matter of these petitions is now before the House, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 2nd August, 1883.

Nos. 114, 116, and 276.—Petitions of Edwaed Geoeoe Chiffey and Others (No. 1), John Keogh and Others, and Eobbet Haedy and Others (No. 1). The petitioners pray that the Workmen's Lien Act may pass into law. I am directed to report: That, the subject-matter of these petitions being now before the the House, the Committee have no recommendation to make. 2nd August, 1883.

No. 161.—Petition of Alfeed Edwaed Woodcock and Others. The petitioners pray for a rebate of duty on glass for vineries. lam directed to recommend: That the petition be referred to Government for consideration. 3rd August, 1883.

No. 248.—Petition of Thomas Fobd and Others. The petitioners pray for a railway siding between Waicola and Woodland. I am directed to recommend : That the petition be referred to the Government for consideration 3rd August, 1883.

No. 303.—Petition of Martin Mahon. The petitioner states that he was a member of the Forest Eifle Volunteers, and that he has not received his remission certificate. He prays for relief. I am directed to report: That the Committee have no recommendation to make on the petitioner's case. 3rd August, 1883.