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lam directed to report: That the Committee, having carefully considered the case of the petitioners, cannot see their way to recommend the prayer of the petitioners to the favourable consideration of the House. 20th July, 1883.

No. 171.—Petition of Mrs. Symonds, Auckland. The petitioner states that she is the widow of the late John Jermyn Symonds, who served the colony for thirty-seven years ; that a pension was awarded to her late husband in 1869 ; that after his pension was granted he served the colony as a Judge of the Native Lands Court; that in 1882 he was requested to retire on his former pension. She now prays for further consideration. lam directed to report: That the Committee consider that the colony has made a fair allowance to the petitioner's deceased husband, and cannot therefore make any recommendation. 20th July, 1883.

No. 254.—Petition of Eobert Hall Bakewell, Christchurch. The petitioner states that he is desirous of seeing compulsory vaccination abolished, and prays the House will give assent to the Bill now before it for the abolition of compulsory vaccination. lam directed to report: That, the subject-matter of this petition having been dealt with by the House, the Committee do not consider it necessary to make any recommendation. 24th July, 1883.

No. 219.—Petition of John Flatt, Auckland. The petitioner states that he was employed in the Government Domain in Auckland for some years as gardener, and prays for some consideration for his long service. lam directed to report: That the Committee have no recommendation to make to the House on the petitioner's claim. 24th July, 1883.

No. 180.—Petition of Christina Henderson, Wairoa South. The petitioner prays that compensation may be granted to her for the loss of her husband, who was killed from a fall from his horse in July, 1863, when coming off duty in the Waikato war. I am directed to report: That the Committee do not consider the petitioner has any claim against the colony. 24th July, 1883.

No. 146.—Petition of J. G. Clark and Others, Tauranga. The petitioners pray that steps may be taken for closing the portion of the road running through the Tauranga cemetery. No. 182.—Petition of Thomas Farmer, Tauranga. The petitioner prays that road through the cemetery at Tauranga may not be closed. lam directed to report: That, as the power of closing public roads is vested in the local government bodies, the Committee do not consider it is necessary to make any recommendation. 24th July, 1883.

No. 58.- —Petition of William Dixon, Masterton. The petitioner states that he is a member of the Fire Brigade at Masterton ; that in October, 1882, a fire occurred at Masterton; that through his exertions the Government Buildings were saved from destruction. He prays for compensation for injuries sustained. lam directed to report: That the Committee are of opinion that the Government should be requested to place a sum of £25 on the estimates as a gratuity to the petitioner for the services rendered at Masterton in saving the Government Buildings from destruction by fire. 25th July, 1883. '

Nos. 164 and 233.—Petitions of Henry J. Syms, Thames; and Edward O'Hara, Auckland. The petitioners pray for grants of land as military settlers. lam directed to report: That, as the Committee find that the claims of the petitioners were inquired into and reported adversely on by a Eoyal Commission, they do not therefore consider it necessary to make any recommendation. 25th July, 1883.

No. 195. —Petition of G. W. Woodeoofb and Others (No. 2), Masterton. The petitioners pray for alterations in the Municipal Corporations Act, to enable boroughs to be divided, if necessary. lam directed to report: That, as there is a Municipal Corporations Act Amendment Bill now under the consideration of the House, the Committee do not consider it necessary to make any special report. 25th July, 1883.