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Balance-sheet of the Government Insurance Department (Ordinary Branch) on 31st December, 1882.

Government Insurance Office, Wellington, 23rd February, 1883. D. M. Luckie, Commissioner. Examined and found correct: James Edward FitzGerald, Controller and Auditor-General.

Balance-sheet of the Industrial Branch on the 31st December, 1882.

Government Insurance Office, Wellington, 23rd February, 1883. D. M. Luckie, Commissioner. Examined and found correct ■ James Edward FitzGerald, „**-£ Controller and Auditor-General.

By Authority: George Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.

Revenue Account of the Industrial Branch for the half-year ended 31st December, 1882.

Liabilities. £ s. d. Assurance, Annuity, and Endowment Funds (as per Revenue Account) ... 704,888 14 11 .laims announced but not paid ... ... 10,965 7 6 Surrenders ... ... ... ... 114 26 .onuses surrendered for cash ... ... 436 Commission (new) ... ... ... 895 8 7 dedical fees ... ... ... ... 684 12 o iundry accounts owing ... ... 160 9 n 'remium deposits ... ... ... 1,314 17 3 £719,027 16 2

Assets. £ s d. Loans on policies ... ... ... 43,892 3 8 Government securities ... ... ... 575,400 o o Railway debentures (guaranteed by Government) ... ... ... ... 40,000 o o Municipal Corporation debentures ... 9,172 o o Otago University debentures ... ... 15,000 o o Office furniture (Head Office and Agencies) i>553 6 6 Overdue premiums on policies in force ... £4,882 5 o Outstanding premiums due in December, 1882 ... 9,641 7 5 I4..23 12 5 Interest outstanding ... 294 Interest accrued, not due 1,836 9 3 ■ 1,838 18 7 Agents'balances ... ... ... 1,413 '9 10 Temporary advance to Industrial Branch ... 1,816 10 9 Cash on current account ... ... 14,417 4 5 £719,027 16 2

Amount of funds on ist July, 1882 Premiums Fees £ »• d. ... 274 17 4 ... 2,744 12 3 044 r £3.019 '3 "

£ ,s. d. Claims ... ... ... ... 131 19 6 Surrenders ... ... ... ... 1638 Commission, New ... £49° 4 JI ,, Renewal 139 8 5 629 13 4 Salaries ... ... ... ... 827 19 o Medical fees ... ... ... ... 478 17 1 Travelling expenses ... ... ... 83 12 8 Advertising ... ... ... ... 24 o 1 Printing and stationery ... ... 84 13 3 Rent ... ... ... ... 25 o o Postage ... ... ... ... 100 o o Telegrams ... ... ... ... 22 1 I General expenses ... ... ... 41 1 7 Interest ... ... ... ... 20 o o Amount of funds on 31st December, 1882 534 12 8 £...019 '3 I'

Liabilities. £ s. d. Total funds (as per Revenue Account) ... 534 12 8 Rent ... ... ... ... ... 25 o o Temporary advance from Ordinary Branch ... 1,816 10 9 £2,376 3 _

Assets. £ s. d. Preliminary expenses on re-opening branch (to be written off during current quinquennium) 2,201 12 8 Office furniture ... ... ... ,,. 60 10 o Cash in hands of agents ... ... ... 114 09 £2*376 3 5