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jPrepared for Presentation to both Houses of the General Assembly in pursuance of Section 41 of " The Government Insurance and Annuities Act, 1874," and of Section 15 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882."

Wellington, 31st May, 1883. By a clause in the Public Revenues Act, passed in last session of Parliament, provision was made for changing the financial period of this Department so that it might run concurrently with the calendar year, instead of terminating, as previously, on the 30th June. In accordance with this provision the accounts of the Department which I have now the honour to submit are prepared for the period of six months from Ist July to 31st December, 1882, inclusive. The details given below show an amount of new business for the six months in excess of that accomplished in any former financial period of twelve months duration. The success which has thus attended the operations of the Department is gratifying, not only from the extent of the business and its character, but also because of the fact that the manifold benefits which the Government offers in the shape of low premiums, liberal regulations, and above all the inviolable security of the colony, are being more and more recognized and taken advantage of by all classes. This is more evident now than heretofore, and I venture to say that the rapid progress which has marked the growth of the Department is one of the best reasons for its existence. ORDINARY BRANCH. New proposals in this branch received for the half-year ended 31st December numbered 3,344, for a total sum of Of these 797 were declined or were not taken up, leaving 2,547 proposals, on which were issued policies assuring the sum of 1,279, and producing a new premium income of ss. Bd. The separate temperance section mentioned in my last report, and into which only total abstainers from intoxicating liquors are admitted, was opened on the Ist July last. The expectations of success which were entertained on the establishment of the section have been fully realized, 472 policies, for an assured sum of producing an annual premium income of lis, 4d., having been issued during the first six months, as specified in the table which follows : —■

Class. No. of Policies. Sum Assured. Single Premiums. Annual Premiums. ■£* £ s19.329 111,225 725 £13 8s. per annum £ s. d. 966 11 5 o 17 8 79 7 I0 172 1 9 £ s. d. 15,876 16 8 3,281 11 4 26 19 o issurance —General section ... insurance —Temperance section Endowment innuity ... 2,066 472 7 2 Total. .YT 2.547 631,279 *,2i8 18 8 19,185 7 o Add single premiums 1,218 18 8 Total new iremiums £20,404 5 8