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751. (L.E.) 27th December. Chaeies Sebastian Smith, of Leicester, in the County of Leicester, England, Land Agent and Solicitor; Alfeed Edwabd Millee Mtjndy, of Shipley, in the County of Derby, England, Esq.; and Paget Peploe Mosley, of 81, "Warwick Eoad, Earls Court, in the County of Middlesex, England, Esq.—An improved method of, and apparatus for, breaking down or getting coal, and other minerals, in mining, quarrying, or tunnelling operations. (Smith and Moore's.) 752. (L.E.) 27th December. William Ceookes, E.E.S., of Boy Court, Ludgate Hill, in the City of London, England.'—lmprovements in the construction and manufacture of electric lamps. 753. (L.E.) 27th December. John Chambees, of Te Mata, Napier, New Zealand, at present residing in Manchester, in the County of Lancaster, England.—lmprovements in refrigerating and freezing, and in apparatus employed for such purposes. 754. (L.E.) 27th December. Antonio Buzolich, of Nicholson Street, North Carlton, in the Colony of Victoria, Decorator, and Thomas King Smith, of Hoddle Street, Prahran,in the said colony, Manufacturing Chemist.' —An improved composition to be used as a substitute for paint, cement, varnish, and such like purposes. 755. (L.E.) 29th December. Eaphael Josia, of Certaldo, in the KiDgdom of Italy.—lmprovements in the manufacture of artificial stone and marble, and colouring the same. 756. (L.E.) 29th December. John Eteltn Liabdet, of Brockley, in the County of Kent, England, and Thomas Donnithoene, of 30, Gracechurch Street, in the City of London, England.—lmprovements in the means of, and in the apparatus for, storing electrical energy, and in the preparation of the materials to be employed. 757. (L.E.) 29th December. The Patent Victoeia Hydeatjlic Eeeestone Company (Limited), of No. 56, Queen Street, in the City of Melbourne and Colony of Victoria. —An improvement in the process of manufacturing artificial stone. (E. H. Stone's.) Application foe Lettees Patent lapsed aetee Publication op List toe 1881. 571. W. Douslinv —Sockets for candlesticks, and extinguishers.

N.B.—The fees for Letters Patent are now, if unopposed—on depositing Specification, 10s. ;on obtaining Letters Patent, £2 ; and at or before the expiration of the fifth year, £7. Full particulars as to forms, mode of procedure, «&c, are contained in a Digest of the Patents Acts, with extracts from the Regulations and Table of Fees, which can be obtained of the Government Printer, or through any bookseller, price 6d. Patent Office, "Wellington, January, 1883. C. J. A. Haselden, Registrar of Patents.

~By Authority: GrEOBGE Didsbtjky, Government Printer, "Wellington.—lBB3.