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£sd £ s d Brought forward ... ... ... 3,488 16 10 Compensation received from Public Works Department for land taken for railway purposes at Greymouth ... ... 3,500 0 0 3,500 0 0 Amount paid over by Treasury in excess of sums incorporated in Commissioner's account to 30th June, 1878 ... ... 86910 Salaries charged in excess of payments:— Commissioner ... ... ... £18 15 0 Interpreter ... ... ... ... 12 10 0 Schoolmaster, £6 ss. and £1 ss. ... 7 10 0 Medical Officer ... ... ... 0 3 0 38 18 0 Eent short entered ... ... ... ... ... 100 Interest allowed by Public Trust Office ... ... ... 11 14 1 Amount recovered refunded by the Commissioner to his imprest account ... ... ... ... ... ... 039 Amount surcharged recovered ... ... ... ... 520 ~ paid in by Commissioner ... ... ... ... 014 6 144 2 2 £7,132 19 0 Expenditure. By Allowances paid to Natives... ... ... ... ... 1,454 0 0 Buildings for Natives ... ... ... ... ... 183 10 6 Provisions and clothing for Natives ... ... ... ... 1,271 9 11 Passages for Natives ... ... ... ... ... 180 13 0 Miscellaneous expenses for Natives ... ... ... ... 414 0 8 3,503 14 1 Salaries, schoolmaster ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Sundries ... ... ... ... ... ... 141 1 7 Cost of Compensation Court ... ... ... ... 414 4 6 Commission collecting rents ... ... ... ... 186 13 9 Protective works, Arahura ... ... ... ..<? ... 150 0 0 966 19 10 Total expended out of imprests ... ... ... ... ... 4,470 13 11 Amounts paid by Public Trustee : — Commissioner's salary ... ... ... ... 152 1 8 Schoolmaster's ~ ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Medical Officer ... ... ... ... ... 93 18 0 320 19 8 4,791 13 7 Amount transferred to Nelson Imprest Account ... ... 0124 Commissioner's salary short charged ... ... ... 076 Public Trust Office commission ... ... ... ... 471 19 6 Amount of unexpended imprest advances in hands of Commissioner ... ... ... ... ... ... 167 11 6 640 10 10 5,432 4 5 Balance per Public Trust Office Ledger ... ... ... ... 1,700 14 7 £7,132 19 0

Authority : Gboege Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.