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jurisdiction of my Court, may be noticed as being open to objection, viz., the practice of gentlemen while acting as solicitors or counsel to or for Native claimants to land acting also under contract for reward with would-be purchasers to promote the sale to them of land the title whereto they are employed by their Native clients to establish. Though it be replied that the Natives are cognizant of the arrangement, I should still think the transaction would be viewed unfavourably by a Court of equity, and I certainly do not think it tends to shorten litigation. 11. As to excluding lawyers from the Court: This was some time ago done by the Legislature, but, after experience, the prohibition was rightly removed, because the hold which the law has upon the conduct of a lawyer should favour his employment as against a less responsible agent. 12. As to some remarks lately made by me from the bench here, they do not show any ground of complaint against the Court, but against the feelings engendered by the avidity of the parties surrounding it. I have, &c, J. E. Macdonald, The Hon. the Native Minister, Wellington. Chief Judge, N.L.C.

Authority : George Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBB3.