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Native Reserves, Bell Block to White Cliffs.

APPENDIX I.—LIST OF ALL CROWN GRANTS RECOMMENDED FOR ISSUE, Etc.—continued. Native Reserves, Waiweranui to Omata— continued.

Block and Locality. Section. Area. Name of Reserve. Grantees. Habendum. Recommendation forwarded. Grant received by Commissioner. Remarks. f A. E. p. 10 0 Okato Township . .' 2 Porikapa te Wareware Inalienable by sale, gift, mortgage, &c; alienable by exchange or lease for 21 years 28 July, 1882 8 Dec, 1882 ,, • ■ - • ,» " •• L '*■ „ .. iA .. 111 .. 49,50 106 .. 96, 100 112 .. 104, 108 110 .. 2 10 0 2 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 10 0 127 0 0 13 13 13 J3 * • Kerenene Harita Rawiri Tamati Peka Ruhira Tuhoto Renata Porikapa te Wareware 33 33 31 51 11 31 33 13 13 JJ 1) 11 11 31 13 I) 11 tt 33 11 1! 11 II 11 11 11 tt 33 ,, 11 11 11 11 11 31 11 ,, 31 13 11 1) 11 II 31 Okato District, Cape Survey District 13 33 11 33 33 31 11 31 13 »» 31 t» 11 ), ,, ,j ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, »» ,, Oakura District „ 119, 120 108 .. 45 .. 41 .. 54 .. 99 101, 105 123 .. 129 .. 143 .. 148, 149 137, 141 151, 152 168 .. 169 .. 170 .. 29 0 0 14 2 16 50 0 0 51 0 0 53 0 0 52 2 0 104 0 0 51 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 65 0 0 71 0 0 95 0 0 1,430 0 0 1,300 0 0 5,800 0 0 James Harrison (half-caste) Kerenene Porikapa te Wareware Tamati Peka Porikapa Te Wareware Ruhira Tuhoto Ani Ngahem Keremeneta te Marae Ihaka te Manu .. Tonia Kerenene Harita Rawiri Tamati Peka Porikapa and 18 others Komene and 10 others Ropata ISTgarongornate and 42 others .. 11 11 It 11 11 13 13 11 1) 11 11 11 13 11 11 11 31 11 11 3J 31 11 31 31 11 31 It 11 31 1) 11 13 1* 31 11 11 13 !> 11 31 3 Jan., 1883 8 Dec, 1882 1) 31 It 31 II 11 31 13 t» 11 ,, ,, 11 31 13 31 11 3 Jan., 1883 8 Dec, 1882 ,, ,, 33 13 11 11 33 ,, ,, 11 11 31 31 ,, ,, 11 It 11 11 31 11 ,, ,, If 11 13 19 Dec, 11 20 April, 1883 ,, ,, Oakura District, Cape and Egmont Survey Districts j- Patua Ranges 1 i 13 11 11 33 11 11 11 11 ,, ,, 11 11 ,, ,,

Waitara West District, Paritutu Survey District 52 .. 33 0 0 Ngahuinga Te Wetere Kauakina and 11 others Inalienable by sale, gift, mortgage, &c; alienable by exchange or lease for 21 years 27 July, 1882 23 Jan., 1883 ,, ,, 133 .. 100, 101 186 .. 578 0 0 162 2 30 204 0 0 Kaipakopako Ngapuketurua Manutahi Roera Rang! and 42 others Rameka te Amai and 22 others Te Take Ngahuru and 23 others „ 1, 1, 31 31 », ,, Huirangi District, Paritutu Survey District ,, ,, ,, t» f) ,, ,, ,, ,, 31 11 ,, j,