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Return to ore Order of the House of Representatives, dated 3rd day of, August, 1882. " That there be laid before this House printed copies of all despatches (with enclosures thereto) between the Secretary of State for the Colonics and the Governor of New Zealand, prior to the passing of the Constitution Act, on the subject of the granting of representative institutions for this colony."— (Hon. Sir J. Hall.)


No. in eries. Number and Date. Subject. Page. 1 2 Jan. 27, 184G No. 103, Oct. 7, 1846 Recommends creation of a Lieut.-Governorship Recommends Governor of each Island be permitted to appoint a Legislative Council; Middle Island then fit for Representative Institutions. (In reply to Despatch (Separate), of 26th May, 1846, p. 5, A.-3.) Considers proposed Constitution premature—at any rate for Northern Island.. 1 2 3 (Confidential), May 3, 1847 (Confidential), May 13, 1847 No. 70, Julv 7, 1847 3 4 Native population a serious objection to new Constitution —proposes modification of scheme Acknowledging Despatch with new Charter for Government, the Queen's Instructions, and his Commission as Governor and Commander-in-Chief. (See Despatch No. 23, of 23rd December, 1846, p. 7, A.-3.) Asks for further Directions re Chapter 12 of Royal instructions. (See Despatch No. 23, of 23rd December, 1846, p. 7, A.-3.) Transmitting Proclamation bringing New Zealand Charter into Operation on 1st January, 1848. (See Despatch No. 23, of 23rd December, 1846, p. 7, A.-3.) Transmitting, with remarks, a Petition signed by the Bishop, Chief Justice, and other public Officers Transmitting Proclamation declaring part of Island of New Munster adjacent to Cook Strait portion of Province of New Munster. (See Despatch No. 23, of 23rd December, 1846, p. 7, A.-3.) Suggesting that Southern half of Middle Island, with Stewart Island, be made a separate Province Forwarding copies of two Addresses from Settlers, and of his replies thereto, in reference to the Legislative Institutions to be introduced Forwarding copy of his Address to Legislative Council, opened at Auckland, in order to find a remedy for calamities in New Munster Transmitting Ordinance for establishment of Provincial Legislative Councils, with outline of form of Government to be ultimately adopted As to forming Canterbury Settlement into a separate Province Forwarding Address of Legislative Council of New Munster, and his reply thereto, as to introduction of Representative Institutions—Considers their immediate introduction inadvisable As to proposed modification in Boundary between Provinces of Now Munster and New Ulster Gives reasons for the adoption of the Franchise recommended in Despatch No. 106, of 29th November, 1848 Further as to why immediate introduction of Representative Institutions is undesirable Forwarding, with remarks, Memorial from nine Nelson gentlemen for immediate Introduction of Representative Institutions Thinks Ordinanoes affecting Native interests should be reserved for Her Majesty's Assent or Disallowance Forwarding Blue Books for New Ulster and New Munster, with usual Annual Report Transmitting Despatch from Lieut.-Govemor Eyre, covering published Copy of Letter from Mr. John Dorset enclosing Resolutions of Settlers' Constitutional Association 6 5 6 6 No. 106, Oct. 8, 1847 7 7 No. 125, Nov. 30, 1847 7 8 No. 7, Mar. 9, 1848 .. 8 9 No: 10, Mar. 10, 1848 8 10 No. 15, Mar. 16, 1848 9 11 No. 84, Oct. 9, 1848 .. 9 12 No. 104, Nov. 20, 1848 11 13 No. 106, Nov. 29, 1848 12 14 15 No. 107, Dec. 6, 1848 No. 4, Feb. 2, 1849 .. 15 16 16 No. 5, Feb. 6, 1849 .. 19 17 No. 23, Mar. 15, 1849 20 18 No. 27, Mar. 22, 1849 21 19 No. 45, April 7, 1849 22 20 No. 76, June 22, 1849 23 21 No. 93, July 9, 1849 24 22 No. 120, Sept. 24,1849 29