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4. Describe the position of the following towns in the United Kingdom, and mention anything for which any of them are remarkable: Wigan, Londonderry, St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Swansea, Salisbury, Sunderland, Cork, Dundee, Bath, Limerick, Chester. 5. Describe the river system of Asia. 6. Describe the courses of two of the following rivers, giving the tributaries which they receive and the more important towns on their banks: (1) Danube, (2) Rhine, (3) Mississippi, (4) Ganges. 7. Describe as accurately as you can the positions of the following places in Australia : Maitland, Rockhampton, Perth, Port Augusta, Sale, Hunter River, Cape Otway, Port Darwin, Encounter Bay, Botany Bay. 8. Enumerate the British possessions in Asia or near its coast. 9. Give a brief description of the physical features of British North America.

Class D. —English Histoet. Time allowed: Three hours. [Candidates may omit five questions.] 1. Give an account of the rise of Egbert. 2. Sketch the history of the Danish rule in England, and account for its termination. 3. Did William the Conqueror introduce English feudalism ? Give an account of it. 4. Investigate the effect of great religious revivals on the political history of England. 5. What were the causes and results of the loss of Normandy by King John ? 6. Why may our present parliamentary system be said to commence definitely in the reign of Edward the First ? 7. What were the purpose and results of the Statute of Labourers in the reign of Richard the Second ? 8. Discuss the character and policy of Henry the Eighth. 9. Sketch the effects of the great discoveries of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries on England. 10. Give an account of the struggle between Charles the First and his Parliament till the beginning of the Civil War. 11. How did Cromwell deal with Ireland and Scotland ? 12. Describe briefly the great naval victories of England during the latter part of the eighteenth century. 13. Select any five of the following, and define the part each played in English history: Tostig, Lanfranc, Baliol, Gaveston, Warbeck, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Monk, Marlborough.

Class D.—Latin (Optional). Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Decline, in the singular number only — Iste, unws, alius, idem. Give the genitives, singular and plural, of domus, merces, aries, Her, os, sen ex; and the ablatives singular of mare, navis. 2. Give a rule for the use of c or i as the termination of the ablative singular of adjectives and participles. Translate into Latin — When Augustus was reigning {impcro, ablative absolute). By prudent counsel. With better success. Give the nominatives singula.r masculine of the comparatives and superlatives of mains, pius, honorijicus. 3. What are the supines, and how are they used ? Translate into Latin— He said that the city would be destroyed; and explain fully the syntax of the Latin expression for the future infinitive passive. 4. Express in Latin — Who ami? Who do men say that I am ? You know who I am, What was I to say ? I did not know what to say. I had nothing to say. 5. When can the ablative without guam be used after a comparative ? Express in Latin—• There is nothing more pleasant than friendship. Caesar benefited (prosuni) his country more than Pompey. All men believe that treachery {proditio) is baser than any crime. 6. Translate— In Cumano nuper quum mecum Atticus noster esset, nuntiatum est nobis a M. Varrone, venisse cum Eoma pridie vesperi, et, nisi de via fessus esset, continuo ad nos venturum fuisse. Quod quum audissemus, nullam moram interponendam putavimus, quin videremus hominem nobiscum et studiis eisdem et vetustate amicitiae conjunctum. Itaque confestirn ad cum ire perreximus: paullumque quum ejus villa abessemus, ipsum ad nos venientem vidimus: atque ilium complexi; ut mos amicorum est, satis euui longo intervallo ad suam villam reduximus,