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Teachers. —The number of teachers at the end of the year was 38, consisting of—Males : 19 teachers and 2 assistants. Females : 6 teachers, 7 assistants, and 4 pupil-teachers. The total increase of staff on the previous year is 6. Scholarships.—Marlborough has two scholarships at the Nelson College, tenable for two years. They were held in 1882 by James O'Leary and Horace Douslin. The term of the former expired on the 31st December, and the scholarship was taken up by Frank Hodson, of the Blenheim School, who was the successful competitor for the year. Buildings.—The school-buildings of Picton and Havelock had been for some time much dilapidated through age. They were also very inconvenient, and the accommodation generally so inferior as to seriously interfere with the progress of the schools. The Board therefore at the latter end of 1881 determined that, as soon as ever the funds would permit, these places should be supplied with new buildings. During the year a new school site has been purchased in Picton, and a really substantial school built, capable of accommodating the whole of the children of the borough for some time to come. This work, together with the repairs and improvements of school-buildings and teachers'" residences elsewhere, more than exhausted the Building Fund Account for the time; but, in anticipation of further supplies, the Board, before the close of the year, had already let a contract for the building of a good school in Havelock. Expenditure.—The year commenced with a balance to credit of £174 Os. lOd. on Building Account, and £444 Is. on General Account, making a total of £618 Is. lOd. The year however has terminated with a balance to credit of General Account only, the amount being £547 18s. 4d., showing the slight expenditure in excess of income on total account of £70 3s. 6d. The balance-sheet and all the usual returns have already been forwarded. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education. A. P. Seymour, Chairman.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1882. Receipts. £ s. d. j Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st December, 1881— I To Office staff, salaries ... ... ... 112 10 0 Building Account ... ... 174 0 10 Departmental contingencies ... ... 64 15 10 G-eneral Account ... ... ... 444 1 0 Inspectors'salaries ... ... ... 125 0 0 Government grants for buildings ... 1,252 0 0 Inspectors'travelling expenses ... 77 1 0 Other receipts for buildings — Examination of pupil-teachers ... 3 3 0 Deposit, sale of school sites ... 15 0 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances (in-G-overnment statutory capitation(£3lss.) 3,884 19 2 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) ... 3,312 10 0 Special capitation (55.) ... ... 196 0 0 Incidental expenses of schools ... 331 1 1 Scholarship grant (Is. 6d.) ... ... 108 710 ScholarshipsInspection subsidy ... ... ... 189 13 0 Paid to scholars ... ... ... 80 3 0 Examination expenses ... ... 6 6 0 School-buildings— New buildings ... ... ... 874 19 9 Improvements of buildings ... 393 16 11 Furniture and appliances ... ... 66 0 0 Sites ... ... ... ... 207 0 11 Plans, supervision, and fees ... 61 16 0 Credit balance of account 31st Dec, 1882 — G-eneral Account ... ... ... 547 18 4 £6,264 1 10 £6,264 1 10 A. P. Seymour, Chairman. John Robinson, Secretary. Examined and passed—R. Macalister, Provincial District Auditor.

Statement of Assets and Liabilities on 31st December, 1882. A. Exclusive of Building Fund. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Cash in bank on this account, 31st December, Due to teachers ... ... ... ... 10 10 0 1882 ... ... 547 18 4 Due to Committees ... ... ... 66 11 4 Dae from Government,lnspector's travelling Due to scholarships ... ... ... 20 0 0 expenses ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Due from Government, scholarships ... 39 12 7 £662 10 11 £97 1 4 B. Building Fund only. '£ s. d. £ s. d. Due from sale of school sites, ... ... 130 0 0 Due on account of school-buildings ... 764 0 0 Due from grant from Government ... 1,353 9 0 £1,483 9 0 £764 0 0