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any reasonable amount they may collect for the improvement of the school-grounds, and in some cases they have gladly availed themselves of the offer. Compulsory Attendances. —'The compulsory clauses are not much taken advantage of, for reasons referred to in the report of this Board for last year. In some respects the School Committees consider them objectionable. Penny Banks. —There are not many school penny banks in the district. School Libraries.—There are a few school libraries in the district. They are generally in charge of the teacher, and prove a boon to the scholars in the country districts. Teachers' Classes, etc. —Respecting classes for teachers, instruction to pupil-teachers, and evening classes the Board begs to refer you to the Inspector's report. Finance.—The returns give a full account of the Board's receipts and expenditure. Every possible economy has been observed in the expenditure, as the returns themselves will testify. In November last the Board, being without funds for building purposes, and having numerous demands from Committees for new schools, enlargement of buildings, and other works, with which it could not comply, arranged with its bankers for an overdraft in anticipation of the grant for buildings. A special meeting of the Board very carefully investigated the merits of the several applications, and allocated the funds upon the most equitable basis. The sum of £434 16s. 3d., received in September last on account of the extra capitation grant of ss. made by the Government, has been transferred to the Building Account, with a view, as far as possible, of assisting School Committees in the several works applied for. It will thus be seen that, although the Board's efforts to serve the district were greatly paralysed in consequence of the delay in allocating the Government grant for buildings, it used every effort, and incurred some risk, to meet the demands made upon it. The general statement appended shows a credit balance of £1,443 Is. Bd. on the General Account, with assets of £61 13s. 9d. due from the Government, and liabilities of £328 ss. 9d, leaving a net credit of £1,176 9s. Bd. The statement of assets and liabilities shows that the Building Account is overdrawn to the extent of £1,908 lls. 3d., with liabilities amounting to £100 os. sd. Taking the Government grant of £4,376 as an asset, there will be a credit balance of £2,367 Bs. 4d. The whole of this amount has, however, been anticipated, as above explained. The general statement also shows that the sum of £917 Is. 4d. has been remitted to School Committees on account of the School Fund. For any information respecting the state of education in the district the Board has the honour to refer you to the report of its Inspector of Schools. I have, &c, W. H. Watt, Chairman. The Hon. the Minister of Education.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1882. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. To Balance on 31st December, 1881 — By Balance of account on 31st December, General Account ... ... 1,648 10 4 1881 (Building Account) ... 301 8 2 Rees'Bequest Account ... ... 0 13 4 Office staff, salaries ... ... 324 19 0 Government grants for buildings ... 3,649 0 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 15 6 0 Other receipts for buildings — Departmental contingencies ... 273 18 2 Transfer from General Account ... 434 16 3 Inspectors'salaries ... ... 370 0 0 Old buildings sold ... ... 10 0 0 Inspectors'travelling expenses ... 100 0 0 Government statutory capitation (£3155.) 12,859 10 3 Examination of pupil-teachera ... 46 5 6 Special capitation (55.) ... ... fi62 18 9 Teachers' salaries and allowances (inScholarship grant (Is. 6d.) ... ... 116 17 0 eluding rent, bonus, &c.) ... 12,246 17 2 Inspection subsidy... ... ... 300 0 0 Incidental expenses of schools ... 917 1 4 Payments by School Commissioners— Insurance of school-buildings ... 3 3 0 Primary education ... ... 242 12 11 Transfer, General to Building Account 434 16 3 Secondary education ... ... 124 19 1 Scholarships paid to scholars 158 10 0 Pees for district high schools ... ... 127 19 6 Scholarships examination expenses ... 20 0 9 School site sold, Brunswick ... ... 15 0 0 School-buildings— Interest on invested funds (bequest of New buildings ... ... ... 3,038 0 1 late Dr. Rees) ... ... ... 208 8 0 Improvements of buildings ... 2,008 7 3 Dr. Balance of account on 31st Decem- Furniture and appliances ... ... 329 15 3 ber, 1882 (buildings) ... ... 1,908 11 3 Plans, supervision, and fees 278 7 1 Credit balance, General Account ... 1,443 1 8 £22,309 16 8 £22,309 16 8 W. H. Watt, Chairman. A. A. Browne, Secretary. Examined and passed—R. Macalister, Provincial District Auditor.

Statement of Assets and Liabilities on 31st December, 1882. jgA. Exclusive of Building Fund. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Cash in bant on this account, 31st December, Due to teachers,.. ... ... ... 29 18 8 1882 ... ... ... ... 1,442 8 4 Due to solicitor, legal expenses ... ... 5 7 4 Due from Government (scholarships) ... 61 13 9 Due to Committees ... ... ... 292 19 9 Rees Bequeßt Account ... ... ... 013 4 Balance of assets over liabilities ... ... 1,176 9 8 £1,504 15 5 £1,504 15 5

9—E. 1.