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Presented to both Souses of the General Assembly in pursuance of Section 169 of " The Land Act, 1877."

AMENDED REGULATIONS FOR THE LEASING- OF LAND IN THE DISTRICT OF NELSON. Appendix E. "Land Act, 1877." Abthttr GtOßDon, Governor. In pursuance of the powers and authorities in me vested by the one hundred and sixty-ninth section of " The Land Act, 1877," I, Arthur Hamilton Gordon, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby declare that, from and after the thirty-first day of December next, the regulations for the Land District of Nelson, which were made on the ninth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, and on the fourteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and published in the New Zealand Gazettes of the twelfth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, No. 124, and the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred, and eighty, No. 62 respectively, shall be rescinded. And, in pursuance of the like powers and authorities, Ido hereby make the following amended regulations for the Land District of JNelson aforesaid, to come into operation on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Leases tndek Appendix E of " The Land Act, 1877." 1. All persons desiring leases of unoccupied portions of Crown lands (not exceeding 320 acres) shall lodge with the Commissioner of Crown Lands an application and description thereof in the form or to the effect of the Krst Schedule hereto, and shall, at the time of lodging such application, pay to the Receiver of Land Bevenue a deposit of Is. 9d. per acre towards the expense of the survey for every acre of the land so applied for. No deposit in any case shall be less than £1. 2. The deposit so paid shall be placed to the credit of the applicant, and applied, first, towards the expenses of such survey and the publication of the notice hereafter mentioned, and if there shall be any surplus the same shall be applied towards the payment of any rent payable in respect of the land applied for. ',1. If the application is refused by the Board, the amount of deposit paid in respect of such application shall be repaid to the applicant. 4. Before any application for a lease shall be granted by the Board, the Commissioner shall publish in some newspaper circulating in the district, once in each week for two consecutive weeks, a notice setting forth particulars of the application in such form as the Commissioner shall consider best. 5. All sections of land to be leased shall, as far as the features of the country will admit, and, except in the case of natural boundaries, be of a rectangular form, and no section shall be laid off in such manner as, in the opinion of the Board, to render less available for sale or lease, or injuriously to affect in value any other Crown lands. G. As soon as conveniently may be after the survey and determination of the rent, a lease executed by the Commissioner may be issued by the Board to the applicant, but no lease shall be executed by the Commissioner until the Board has approved thereof. The lessee shall then execute a counterpart thereof, and pay for such lease the sum of £1 10s. Every lease shall be in the form or to the effect in the Second Schedule hereto, and contain the covenants and provisions therein set forth. 7. If any applicant shall withdraw his application, or shall fail to sign and execute the counterpart of his lease for the space of three calendar months after notice shall have been given that the same is ready for signature, he shall forfeit his right to such lease, as well as any deposit he shall have paid ac the time of making his application. Any such notice may be delivered personally, or sent by post, addressed to the last known place of abode or business of the applicant, or published in some newspaper circulating in the district. 8. It shall be lawful for the Board, at any time before the execution of any such lease, to exclude from the land proposed to be comprised therein any land which to them may appear suitable for any of thts