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Statement showing Contracts entered into; also the Amount of said Contract, and the Value of Work Performed on each up to Date, at Schedule Rates.

(a) The cost of supervision will have to be added to the contract amounts. That can only be known after the contracts are completed. (6) You will note this exceeds the Government vote by £258 17s. 9d. The Tuapeka County Council provides the balance. (c) Tenders are invited for an additional length of 208 chains, and contracts for the remainder of the length will be prepared in August. (d) You will note this exceeds the Government vote by £732 14s. 4d. The Tuapeka County Council provides the balance. W. Arthur, Chief Surveyor.

Southland. Seaward Moss Road. —The work upon this road executed during the last year consists partly of forming and ditching, but chiefly of gravelling that portion of the road, which during a previous year had been ditched and formed. The gravelling for the most part extends from near Woodend to the south boundary of Block VIII, Campbelltown Hundred, and for this distance into the " Seaward Moss," the road is now very passable at all seasons. For a mile further south the road was ditched and formed on a previous year; and when the winter is over this portion will be in a fair condition to receive a coat of gravel. Meanwhile, from the terminus of the old formation southwards to Awarua Bay, contracts have been let by the Invercargill Road Board, in whose hands the expenditure of the money has been left, consisting of double ditching throughout, also of culverting, bridging, and fascining where required. These contracts are now in progress, though owing to the wet and inclement weather which has lately prevailed, the work has been considerably retarded. When the works has been completed, and thereafter gravelled where necessary, through communication will then be opened up between Woodend and Awarua Bay. The advantages of tnis both to settlers on the line of route and to those who may ultimately settle at the head of the Bay, are very apparent, there being a good natural road along the beach. The Clerk to the Invercargill Road Board reports "that during the past year the Seaward Moss Road, for which the sum of £924 13s. was voted has been expended as follows, on—lBs chains gravelling, 63 chains formation, 110 chains ditch-deepening, 16 chains new ditching, and 2 box drains. These works were carried out on the Seaward Moss Road, through Blocks 11. and VIII., Campeltown Hundred." Wilson's Crossing Road. —On the strength of £1,000 allotted to this road, the expenditure of which sum has been handed over to the Southland County Council, several contracts have been let. The most westerly of these contracts begins at the junction of roads situated If miles due east of Wilson's Crossing Railway Station. From this point the road formation extends continuously along the south boundary of Block VIII., New River Hundred, till Forest Hill Hundred is reached. At this C 3.—.5

Title of Work, or Vote. Amount of Contracts. Total Amount of Contract. Value of Work Performed to Date. Total Amount of Work Done to Date. Amount of Government Vote. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Vote 107, item 68: To open up Run 106— Contract No. 157 .. 158 „ 161 „ 162 118 10 8 213 15 6 187 10 0 246 9 0 50 0 0 [ 1000 0 0 (a)766 5 2 50 0 0 50 "0 0 Vote 107, item 70: Tapanui Railway to Run 140 A.— Contract No. 148 „ H9 300 0 0 230 0 0 I 1000- 0 0 534 8 0 438 8 6 972'16 6 53o"o 0 Kelso to Block XIII, Greenvale District — Contract No. 145 .. 146 „ 147 239 13 3 254 4 6 265 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 - 500 0 0 (b) 758 'l7 9 450"0 0 Tuapeka Mouth Bridge— Contract No. 154 639 17 0 639 17 0 No progress f Subsidy of 1 £ to £. Vote 107, item 66: Beaumont to Miller's Flat, via East Bank of Clutha River— Contract No. 159 „ 160 „' ',, 1'63 ., 164 230 0 0 374 18 0 389 10 4 315 1 10 I 3000 0 0 (c)1309*10 2 Road to Block X, Benger District— Contract No. 138 .. 143 570 10 4 662 4 0 400 0 0 600 0 0 [ 500 0 0 (d)1232 14 4 iooo"o 0