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Wairarapa West. —The County Council reports as follows. " I have prepared the statement for all roads constructed. The sums taken into account, therefore, include a previous vote of £5,600 for the Mangaroa Block and £2,000 for Pahiatua Block, in addition to the £8,000 vote of last session. The return which accompanies this letter shows the amounts granted by the Lands Department and the amounts expended on contracts completed or amounts engaged on contracts in course of completion; but, as in the case of the £8,000 vote, none of the works have been finally completed for the whole of their lengths. The contracts completed and in progress have been brought on charge without distinction. I have also to explain that, on account of the same reason, the expenses of survey and inspection have not yet been included in the return. Surveys are now going on in addition to those works mentioned in the statement for the following works, and it is expected that tenders will be called during the present or next month, viz. : Alfredton to Tiraumea Road, vote £350; Wangaehu Road, in continuation of the portion now being constructed—Makakahi Bridle Track, vote £1,000; Central Mangaone Road, vote £500; Dreyer's Rock Road, vote £800. In further explanation of the annexed statement, I would also explain that Section No. 5, Pahiatua Block Road, comprises a road the construction of which this Council has undertaken for the Wellington City Corporation, being the road leading through the Endowment Reserve. The cost of this work will be defrayed by the Wellington City Council, and the work is mentioned in the statement merely because as the connecting link between roads authorised for opening Crown lands. The sum voted for repairs of the Mangaone Block Road, from Eketahuna to Alfredton, has been duly expended."

The County Engineer furnishes the following Eeturn, showing the works executed by the Wairarapa West County Council, out of votes, to open Crown lands for sale : — Mangaone and Alfredtoii Extension Road, to open up Mangaone Block, leading from Eketahuna to Alfredton, a distance of about 12 miles. ... £. s. d. Original vote 5,600 0 0 Amount expended on same road, in excess of original vote, and appropriated out of the £8,000 vote 290 11 5 £5,890 11 5 Pahiatua Road, to open up the Pahiatua Block, leading from main road to Tiraumea river, a distance of about 4J miles. £ s. d. £ s. d. Original vote... 2,000 0 0 Additional amount for same purpose appropriated out of £8,000 vote 1,000 0 0 Contracts have been let as under :— 1. 44 chains formation (Township Eeserve) ... 153 0 0 2. 79i „ „ „ „ ... 340 0 0 3. 45 „ „ „ „ ... 185 0 0 4. 70 ,, „ continuing road to cross road leading to Tiraumea ... ... ... 305 0 0 5. 66 chains formation through Wellington City Corporation Eeserve ... ... ... ... 289 0 0 1,272 0 0 £3,272 0 0 Memorandum.—The Wellington City Council has agreed to pay for Section 5, leaving therefore a sum of £2,983, plus the cost of survey, &c, to be paid by Government. Wcmgaehu Valley Road, to complete road to west side of Wangaehu, No. 2 Block. Contracts have been let as under :— £ s. d. 1. chains formation ... ... ... ... ... ... 155 0 0 2. 50 „ „ 137 10 0 3. 63 „ „ 187 8 6 4. 55 „ ,, • 162 5 0 5. 84 „ ,, 281 0 0 £943 3 6 Memorandum. —A grant of £500 has been advised by the Government as authorized for this road ; an additional grant of £400 has been authorized to come out of the £8,000 vote; the remainder is to be made up by the Council and settlers.