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Run 213b. —That a block of 5,000 acres in Strath-Taieri be taken for sale and settlement, as per schedule; remainder to be relet in two portions; boundaries to be fixed by the Chief Surveyor, at upset rental of 4d. per acre, to be let for ten years; portion of Runs 248 and 213 a to be added to the run, as per schedule. Run 254. —That 15,000 acres be taken for sale and settlement, fronting Strath-Taieri Road ; remainder to be relet in two runs —furthest north at 3d. per acre, iipset rental, and furthest south at 4d. per acre —Ruu 254, as per schedule, for ten years, and 254 a for eight years ; southern portion to be thrown into Run 260, as per schedule; about 22,000 acres. Run 260. —To be relet with portion of Runs 254 and 186, as per schedule, into two runs for nine years —Run 260 at £300, upset rental, and 260 a at £30, for seven years. Run 185.—9,800 acres to be taken for sale and settlement; remainder to be relet in two runs, as per schedule, for seven years—Run 185 at £70 upset rental, and 185 a at £80 upset rental. Run 307.—Determined that it is not expedient to relet for depasturing purpose any portion of this run, being required for sale and settlement. Run 218. —That 7,300 acres be taken for sale and settlement, as per schedule ; remainder to be relet in two runs, as per schedule —Run 218 for five years, upset rental £210; Run 218 a for six years, upset rental £225. Run 171 a that it is not expedient to release for depasturing purposes, being required for sale and settlement. Run 238. —That the run be relet in eight runs. That Runs 238, 238 a, and 238b, see schedule, be divided each into two runs, to be let at 3d. per acre upset rental; and 238 c and 238 d, as per schedule, at £100 each for six years; division of 238 for eight years, division of 238 a for seven years, and division 238b for six years. Run 237.—That the run be relet in six runs —Runs 237, 237 a, and 237b, as per schedule, to be each divided into two runs: division of 237 for ten years, division of 237 a for nine years, and 237b for ten years, at 3|d. per acre upset rental. The Board then adjourned at 1145 p.m.

At sitting of 11th January, 1882, 3 p.m. Runs 262 and 256. —These two runs to be subdivided into seven runs, to be relet —three runs for seven years, and four, including the back country, for ten years j one run in back country at 3d. per acre, remainder at 4jd- upset rental* Run 249. —To be relet in three parts ; boundaries to be fixed by Chief Surveyor; one north for five years, one middle for seven years, and south run for ten years; upset rental sd. per acre. Run 221.—T0 be relet in five portions —Run 221, as per schedule, to be divided into two runs; boundaries to be fixed by Chief Suveyor ; remainder, 221 c, 221 a, and 221b, as per schedule. Divisions of 221 to be leased for eight years, at 6d. per acre; 221 a. for seven years, at sd. per acre; 221b for seven years, at sd. per acre; 221 c for seven years, at 3d. per acre. "With regard to subdivision of 221 d, suggested in Government schedule, the land within this being portion of Clyde Commonage, the Board declines to recommend the same to be leased. Run 220.—T0 be relet in four portions ; boundaries to be fixed by Chief Surveyor—Two subdivisions on Manuherikia River to be let for five years ; remainder for seven years, all at 6d. per acre upset rental. Run 223.—Resolved that 7,800 acres be taken for sale and settlement, as per schedule ; to be relet in six runs ; boundaries to be fixed by Chief Surveyor —Runs 223, 223 a, 223b, 223 c, 223 d, and 223e, as shown ou Chief Surveyor's map furnished to Board; 223 a and 223e to be relet for five years, 223b, 223 c, and 223 d for nine years ; all at upset rentals of 6d. per acre. Run 236. —Resolved that 24,000 acres be taken for settlement, as per schedule—Subdivisions 236 and 236 a, as per schedule, to be divided into four runs; boundaries to be fixed by Chief Surveyor. Division of 236 to be relet for ten years, at upset rental of 3d. per acre ; division of 236 a to be relet for seven years, at upset rental of 3 id. per acre; remainder of run to be relet in Runs 236b, 236 c, 236 d, 236k, and 236f, as per schedule ; 236b, 236 c, and 236 d to be relet for five years, at upset rental of £120, £120, and £170; 236e and 236f to be relet for eight years, at upset rental of £60 and £50. Run 235.—T0 be relet in. two portions, to be divided by Lindis Pass Road, for ten years, at 3d. per acre upset rental. Run 239.—Resolved that 4,600 acres be taken for sale and settlement as per schedule; remainder to be relet in two portions —Runs 239 and 239 a as per schedule; 239 for ten years, and 239 a for seven years ; upset rentals £175 and £75. Ran 240 a that 8,600 acres be taken for sale and settlement; remainder of ruu to be relet in four portions, as per schedule —Run 240 to be relet for one year at £78 ; 240 a to be relet for four years, rental £145 ; 240 c to be relet for five years, rental £165 ; 240 d to be relet for six years, rental £137. Run 240b. —To be relet, as per schedule, for seven years, at £120. Run 256.—Thrown in with 262. Run 200.—Resolved to take 2,200 acres for sale and settlement, as per schedule ; 5,040 acres to be added to Run 199b, as per schedule ; remainder to be relet in two runs, as per schedule—Run 200 for eight years, upset rental £360 ; 200 a for eight years, upset rental £325. Run 199.—-Resolved that 4,800 acres be taken for sale and settlement, as per schedule ; remainder to be relet in three portions, as per schedule—-Eva 199 to be relet for eight years, upset rental £350; 199 a to be relet for ten years, upset rental £265 ; 199b to be relet for nine years, upset rental £200. Run 214.—T0 be relet, as per schedule, for ten years, at £70 upset rental; 214 a to be relet, as per schedule, for nine years, at £80 upset rental. Run 359. —To be relet, as per schedule, for tea years, at £120 upset rental. Run 432.—T0 be relet, as per schedule, for tea years, at £30 upset rental.