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2. Mr. Wilson moved, Mr. Quinn seconded, and it was carried unanimously: " That this meeting strongly approves and indorses the action taken and the resolution passed at a meeting of the Otago representatives re disposal of Crown lands, and respectfully requests the Government to give effect thereto." 3. Mr. Rex moved, Mr. Smith seconded, and it was carried unanimously: "That the chairman of this meeting be requested to forward to tho Government a copy of the resolutions carried at this meeting,"

No. 8. The Hon. Mr. Dick to Mr. W. D. Stewaet. Sib,— Wellington, 10th January, 1882. I have the honor, in the absence of Mr. Rolleston, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th December, forwarding copies of resolutions with reference to dealing with the Otago runs which were adopted at a public meeting held in Dunedin on the 23rd ultimo. In reply, I transmit for your information a copy of a letter,* dated the 29th December, which I addressed to Mr. Vincent Pyke, M.H.R., in reply to a letter from him transmitting similar resolutions upon the same subject, which were passed at a meeting of members of the House of Representatives for districts in the Otago Provincial District. I have, &c, Thomas Dice, W. Downie Stewart, Esq., Dunedin. (For the Minister of Lands.)

No. 9. The Commissionee of Ceown Lands, Dunedin, to the Undee-Seceetaey for Ceown Lands. ' (Telegram.) Dunedin, 4th January, 1882. Laid Mr. Rolleston's letter, maps, &c, before the Board to-day. Board resolved to adjourn until next Tuesday to allow members to consider maps and schedule. Am preparing copy of schedule for each member at their request. J. P. Maitland, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Dunedin. Under-Secretary for Crown Lands, Wellington.

No. 10. The Commissionee of Ceown Lands to the ITndjce-Seceetaby for Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, Dunediti, 18th January, 1832. I foewakd herewith resolutions passed by Land Board on 10th and 11th instant, dealing with rims the leases of which expire on the Ist March, 1883. As you will observe, whore the resolutions differ from the suggestions contained in the Government schedule, it is in the direction of further subdivision of the country and of an increase of upset rental. With reference to those Runs Nos. 171, 171 a, 205, 244, 255, and 137, which the Board have determined should not be leased again for depasturing purposes, and regarding which no such suggestion is contained in Government schedule, I may state that the Board's idea with regard to Runs 171 and 171 a was, that the best portions of these were suitable for pastoral deferred payments, and that the other portions should be cut into smaller pastoral runs of (say) from 1,000 to 2,000 acres to meet the requirements of settlers in the vicinity; the small runs to be let so soon as the necessary surveys could be made. The same may be said to be the views of the Board with regard to the other runs withdrawn by them from leasing as above, with the exception of Run 244, which the Board considered should all be surveyed into small pastoral leaseholds of (say) 1,000 acres. To resolve that these runs should not at present be leased again seemed to the Board the only practical means of having the above views carried into effect. J. P. Maitland, The Under-Secretary for Crown Lands. Commissioner Crown Lands.

Enclosure in No. 10. Resolutions of Land Board, adopted at Meetings of 10th and 11th January, 1882. The Chief Commissioner brought before the Board proposals by the Government as to dealing with runs the leases of which expire in 1883 ; also plans and correspondence in connection with the same from the Chief Surveyor, showing proposed subdivisions. Bun 259.—Resolved that Run 259 be relet, as per schedule, for ten years, at upset rental of £90. Buns 171 and 171b.—Determined that it is not expedient to lease again for depasturing purposes any part of the laud within the same, and determined that such lands are required for sale and settlement. Bun 245. —Determined to be relet, in five portions, as per schedule (Mr. Stout dissenting), Runs 245 and 245 a for five years, remainder for seven years. Rents : Run 2-15, £280; 245 a, £200; 245b, £300; 245 c, £280; 245 d, £260. Bun 444, —To be relet for ten years at £10 per annum, as per schedule.

* Vide No. 6.