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Immigration and Public Works Appropriations.


item. 1882-83. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS, VOTE No. 68. Departmental, Head Office — Under-Secretary Assistant TTnder-Seeretary 3 Clerks, 1 at £300, 1 at £180,1 at £120 Accountant Sub-A ccountant 5 Clerks, 1 at £285, 1 at £250, 1 at £225,2 at £220 Clerk, Rolling-stock, &c. Record Clerk Chief Draftsman Draftsman Record Clerk Preparing Parliamentary Returns Contingencies Travelling Expenses 650 425 600 425 62 1,200 220 270 375 320 175 200 200 200 £ 1 2 8 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 II 12 L8 14 5,322 Total—Vote No. 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 69. Head Office, Noeth Island — Engineer in Charge, North Island (also Marine Engineer for Colony £300) Inspecting Engineer Clerk to Engineer in Charge Draftsman 2 Draftsmen Computer Stores Audit Clerk Stores Clerk and extra Clerical Assistance for Stores Audit Storekeeper and Shipping Clerk Contingencies and Travelling Expenses 700 COO 165 320 455 250 200 9 10 100 257 500 Total—Vote No. GO 3,5471 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 VOTE No. 70. Head Office, Middle Island — Engineer in Charge, Middle Island ... Inspecting Engineer Office Engineer Architect (also Dunedin Office £200) Draftsman Chief Clerk Clerk Clerk (also Dunedin Office £140) ... Stores Management and Audit Messenger (also Dunedin Office £60) Stores Clerk and Extra Clerical Assistance Contingencies and Travelling Expenses Instruments 900 750 420 125 260 250 190 140 200 00 100 500 50 3,945 Total —Vote No. 70 II. 12,814