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On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, Besolved, That Mr. Coster and the Hon. Mr. McLean be requested to attend to-morrow. Mr. W. H. Levin attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. On the motion of the Hon. Mr. Dick, seconded by Mr. Daniel, Besolved, That Captain Williams be sent for to give evidence. The Committee then adjourned.

Thuesdat, 20th July, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Allwright, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Hurst, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Sheehan (Chairman), Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Eev. W. J. Habens attended and handed in a statement and form of indenture. Mr. J. P. Cosier attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. On the motion of Mr. Macandrew, seconded by Mr. Daniel, Besolved, That the statement handed in by the Eev. W. J. Habens be printed, and copies sent to each member of the Committee. The Committee then adjourned.

Friday, 21st July, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Daniel, Mr. Hurst, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Sheehan (Chairman), Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Captain Fairchild attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. On the motion of Mr. Sheehan, Besolved, That a return be made of the number of ships sailing out of the colony, and of the number of men employed in them. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lumb, of Dunedin. Captain Pairchild was requested to reattend at earliest opportunity. The Committee then adjourned.

Monday, 24th July, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Sheehan (Chairman). The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. On the motion of Mr. Macandrew, Resolved, That the Committee do adjourn]"until Wednesday next, the 26th July. The Committee then adjourned. Wednesday, 26th July, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present; Mr. Daniel, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull (Chairman). The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Turnbull took the chair. Captain Williams attended as a witness. The Committee then adjourned.

Thuesdat, 27th July, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Allwright, Mr. Daniel, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Sheehan (Chairman Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Captain Williams attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. The Committee then adjourned.

Thuesday, 10th August, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present; Mr. Daniel, Mr. Joyce, Mr. Sheehan (Chairman), Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull. The order of reference postponing the bringing up of the report was read, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. On the proposal of Mr. Turnbull, seconded by Mr. Joyce, Besolved, That Captain Eose be sent for to give evidence before the Committee. The Committee then adjourned.

Fbiday, 11th August, 1882. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Daniel, Hon. Mr. Dick, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Turnbull (Chairman). In the absence of the Chairman, Besolved, That Mr. Turnbull do take the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Captain Eose attended and gave evidence, which was taken down. The Committee then adjourned.