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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated 3rd August, 1869. "That it is desirable that the Government should cause to be laid upon the Table of this House, during each session, a report embodying a general account of the present condition of the gold fields of the colony, their advancement or otherwise during the preceding year, and their probable prospects; together with particulars showing the average price of provisions during the year on each gold field, the rate of wages, estimated population, and such other information as would afford a comprehensive idea of the general condition of the mining interests in the colony ; and that His Excellency be requested to forward a copy of such report to Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies."— (Mr. W. H. Harrison.)

Secretary for Gold Fields Office, Sir,— Wellington, 21st June, 1882. I have the honor to forward the general report upon the gold fields for the year ending the 31st March, 1882, with the detailed reports of the Wardens for their several districts, and statistical tables containing information of the same character as formerly published, and also reports from the managers of water--races. I have, &c, The Hon. William Rolleston, James McKerrow, Minister of Mines. Secretary for Gold Fields^

REPORT. It is gratifying to observe that during the past year there has been continued activity in mining operations upon the gold fields, both in the further development of established auriferous quartz mines and alluvial areas, and in the prospecting of new ground. Quartz Mining. —The newly-discovered quartz reefs at Tiki, Coromandel, have been worked with considerable vigour and enterprise in outlay, showing excellent results, which testify to the rich character of the stone. At Te Aroha, owing to the discovery of a very large body of auriferous quartz, which has been traced through the bush for miles, running north-by-east along the back of the range, returning confidence is manifested in the field by the opening of the reefSj by the introduction of machinery, and in the construction of roads, prospecting tracks, and the rapid extension of a considerable township. Further prospecting of the Terawhiti reefs, near Wellington, has been carried on. Prom Collingwood, discoveries of remarkably rich stone are reported. New discoveries of gold-bearing quartz up Mokihinui and "Waimangaroa Rivers, and Cascade Creek, near Westport, have led to several applications for mining leases in those localities. There has been great activity in quartz mining at Lyell, both in prospecting new reefs and in the further development of old claims. Reefton has been in a state of excitement for some time past, owing to the striking of rich stone in various of the quartz mines there, and during the year applications for an extraordinarily large number of mining leases and special claims have been made. Active operations in prospecting and developing the reefs have, meanwhile, been carried on. A beginning has been made in the introduction of the rock-drills referred to in last year's report. The County Council, with assistance promised by the Mines Department, have also ordered a diamond drill, capable of boring to a depth of 2,000 feet.

I—H. 19.