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in the Appendix for the several grades within twelve months of their appointment. If an officer fails to pass, his appointment will lapse. 115. On a vacancy for first commission occurring in a company, the Officer Commanding the regiment will select and send to the Officer Commanding the company not more than three names of candidates, in order that he may state in writing any objection to either of them. The members of the company will then ba called upon to elect one of the candidates. Should no election be como to within the period of one month, the power of election will lapse, and the Officer Commanding the regiment will forward the list to the Commandant, and recommend the appointment of the candidate he considers the most eligible. 116. Promotions to fill vacancies in the rank of Captain will be made from the senior Lieutenant of a regiment if eligible, provided such officer shall not object to be promoted into the particular company in which the vacancy exists. Non-commissioned Oeeicees. 117. The non-commissioned officers of a company are appointed by the Commanding Officer of the regiment, on recommendation of Officers Commanding companies, from among the enrolled members. 118. Lance-Sergeants and Lance-Corporals, not exceeding one Sergeant and two Corporals for each troop, battery, or company, may be so appointed by the Commanding Officer when the duties of the regiment require it. 119. A non-commissioned officer may be at any time deprived of his rank for incapacity or misconduct by the Officer Commanding the regiment. 120. All Sergeants will be examined by the Adjutant of the corps to which they belong, and their certificates of proficiency will be signed by him, and countersigned by the Commanding Officer. 121. Sergeants may obtain an extra certificate of proficiency. They will be examined in all the subjects laid down in the Appendix for Captains of the arm of the service to which they belong. The certificates of proficiency will be made out on the same forms as those for the officers. 122. Sergeants holding such certificates will wear a star above their chevrons, and their names will be published in Regimental Orders. 123. The Commanding Officer of a regiment will give to any Volunteer who voluntarily quits it, at the expiration of his term of service, a certificate of discharge, when requested to do so by such Volunteer. This certificate will bear the signature either of the Commanding Officer or of the Adjutant. 124. The Commanding Officer of a corps will give to any Volunteer who voluntarily quits it, after six years' service as an efficient, a certificate of good service on discharge, when requested to do so by such Volunteer. This certificate will bear the signature both of the Commanding Officer and of the Adjutant. 125. Each certificate will be issued as soon as possible after the Ist January succeeding the date on which the Volunteer has left the service, and will bear a separate number. A record will be kept by the Adjutant of the name of the Volunteer to whom each number is assigned. 126. Enrolled members are classed as efficients and non-efficients. 127. A Volunteer, in order to be reckoned as an efficient, must obtain a Certificate of Efficiency, showing that he has fulfilled the requirements and possesses the qualifications stated in or upon such one of the annexed forms of certificate as may be applicable in his case, and not otherwise: — Foems oe Certificates or Efficiency. Form A. For Cavalry. Volunteers. We hereby certify— 1. That A.B. was enrolled in the on the 2. That he is provided with an efficient horse and horse furniture for the service, of the pattern used by the corps. 3. That he rides well, and possesses a competent knowledge of the Cavalry swordexercise and the use of the carbine; also dismounted and mounted troop and squadron drill. 4. That, he has attended daylight parades during the year ending 5. That he has completod a course of class firing and judging-distance practice for the year. Officer Commanding Troop. Adjutant. Certificate confirmed. Officer Commanding District. Head-quarters, , 188 .