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No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1879. 18S0. I 1831. Thomson, James Elliot, Bennett's rhrelkeld, P. C, Flaxton ripler, E., Leitlifield tipping, O. and H., Saltwater Creek ... ripping, Edmund, Cust Pipping, J. 0., Oust Pipping. James, Brllargan, Cust robin, Edward, Ambeiley 1'odd, 1)., Soulhbrook 1'oohy, Matthew, Leilhfield rouge, James, Fernsido l'rail, William, Leitlifield Treuey, Edward, Loburn Fruniper, Mary, Woodend rurner, James, Cold Spring, Waikari ... Furrier, William, Horrelville Vale, If., Bankshead, Coutts Island ... Vallance, Hugh, Sefton ... j Vincent, William, Eyreton ... i Vallance, Alexander, Sefton Vallanee, Joseph, Cust Vincent, and Co., West Eyreton Waiting, Isaac, Horrelyille ... j Walker, Thomas, Cust ... I Wallace, Robert, Leithfiold Waller, Jane, Loburn Walls, J. Kaiapoi Walsh, R., Oxford Ward, James, Huntly, Swannanoa Watson, Charles, Woodend Watson, Edwin, Amberley Watson, George, Southbrook Watson, John, Amberley Wattie, James, Amberley Wayland, J., jun., Cust Webster, James, Cust Weld, Dr. J. E., Oxford Wells, William, Loburn Weston, George, Kaiapoi Weylandt, G. E., Oxford White, Bramsby, Swannanoa White, J. 8., Darnley, Ohoka White, J. S., Ohoka' White, Wi, Rangiora Wliyle, George, Cu<t Williams, William. Rangiora Williams, G-. P., Upper Riccarton Willes, W. A., Waikari Wilkin and Davison, Hurunui Wilson, Archibald, Rangiora Wilson, Alexander, Ashley Bank Wilson, Charles, Loburn Wilson, Isnac, Eckisfield, Kaiapoi Wilson, James, Cust Wilson, Robert II., Sefton Wilson, Samuel D., Sefton Wilson, Samuel, Sefton ... | Wilson, Thomas, Waikuku Wilson, William, Amberley Winter, Alfred, Bennett's Winter, John, Swannanoa Winter, Michael, Bennntt's ... j Wit ham, William, Rangiora Wolff, Hans, Bennett's Woodhouse, J. S., Amberley Woodhouse, R. Darnley, Amberley Wornall, G-. A., Springfield, Amberley... Wornall, S., Terrace, Leithfield Wotherspoon, Archibald, Cust Wright, James, Totnra, West Eyreton... Wright, Peter, Oxford Wright-, W., Bennett's Wright, James, Burnt Hill, Oxford ... Wright, W., Kaiapoi 5foung, James, Sefton Zweibruek, I)., Oxford 3400 20! 282 350 460 514 88! 120 145 140 29ti! 70 346 204 400 100 120; __ 71 95 41 91 100 9 25 60 105 60! 93; j 42 23 350 117 112 1620 2930 396' 381. 450 65 60 100 297 _ 401 40 420 8f 1045 49 55 17 67 80 8 200 9 80 25! 23 950 82; 150 1813 3211 ! Nil 397 N,l 519 Nil Nil 80 12 Nil 173 200 Nil 348 Nil 90 40 300 Nil 74 Nil 310 Nil 41 03 17 90 200 21 24 200 24 Nil 66 113 10 Nil 94 51 150 1500 3544 100 Nil Nil 1523 Nil 30800 198 250 Nil 49 65 Nil 45 Nil 71 Nil 75 130 100 96 800 710 Nil Nil Nil 1188 Nil 200 24 250 Nil 330 100 269/j 3071 14 72 8 2978 28890 138 180 30 28 183 17 132 36 73 IOO: 95 110 200 66 900 1 67G 1870 34 101 975 20 180 90 25500 200 190 130 114 6 82 13d 200 05 780| 548i 1400! 8 20! 440 53! 70 32 40| 170637215 r>iO474| i 1040108 CHEVIOT COU'TY (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Robinson, Hon.W., Cheviot Hills, Cheviot 1 1 62000 67780 00500

\o. of Sht^i^p on 3Ut 1-79. I 1830. I 1831. SELWYN COUNTY (In Christehurch Subdivision). Abbolt, William, Clifton, Southbridge... Adams, Oliarlet, Gieendale Adams, T. \V., Offord, Greendalo Adams, \V., Mount Pleasant,Windwhistli Aitken, J. U., Glendore, Ooalgate Allen, Alexander, Killinchy Allen, William, North BrigUon Aldridge, Albert, Duneandel Aldrecl, Jolm, Barton, Malvern Alinglon, W. II., Broadlands, Burnham Aniyes, Alfred, Holly, Kirwee Aniyes, R. II., Meadow Bank, Kirwee Anderson, II., Ynldhurst Anderson, W., Lakeside Anderlon, Thomas, Halkett Town Andrews, W. B., Springs ton Andrews, W. B., Greenpark Angell, R. Whateley Road, Cliristclmreh Anton, T, H., Desert, Kirwee Ashwortl), A., Addinglon Atkinson, William, Grassdalo, Springfield Aymes, E., Oakliainpton, Hornby Aymes, Joseph O., Spreydon Aynsley, H. P. M., Mount Pleasant, Wind whistle Bailey, Charles, West Melton Bailey, Samuel, Templeton Bailey, Thomas, Templeton Bailey, William, Templeton Baldwin, John, Brookside Ballagh, Henry, Hororata Ballagh, S., Leeston Banks, Thomas, Brookside Barker, George, Rathway, Leeston Barnett, J., Deep Spring, Leeston Barnett, T. and M., Tai Tapu Barrett, Charles, Briarfleld, Tai Tapu ... Ban-, J. P., Sheffield Barter, Slephon, Raymond, Templeton Bashford, William, Courtenay Baxter, R. and G., Southbridge Baxter, William, Brookside Bealey, Exors. of the late John, Hororata Bealey, Samuel, Radoliffe, Hororata Bealey, Samuel, Rliuddlan, Hororata ... Bealey, Samuel, Haldon, Hororala Beatty, A., Longford, Coalgato Beatty, Ambrose, Coalgate Bearman, Henry, Greenpark Bedford, George, Courtenay Bell, George, West Melton Bell, James, Lincoln Bell, John, Rolleskra Benham, F., Kowai, Springfield Bennett, Robert, Templeton Berry Brothers, Philipstown Biuney, Joseph, Southbridge Bishop, William, Southbridge BlacUer, Wm., Aylesbury Blair, J., Lincoln Blake, Robert, Beaumont, Lincoln Biake, W., Bessingby, Upper Riecarton Bluett, W. J. G , Leeston Boag, William, Bnrnside, Cliristclmreh Boag, John, Middlekigg, Brooksidc Boag, William, Dunsandel Body, A. F., Killineliy Boon, Charles, Upper Riecarton Boulton, Richard, Kimbcrley Boulton, T., Kirwee Bourn, Charles, Homebrook, Soulhbridge Boyd, James, New Brighton, I'apanui... Bmbazon, John, Trisillian, Ajleabury ... Brake, Charles, Tai Tapu Brandt, Conrad, Broadfield Brett, ])e Renzie, Kirwee Brittan and Gardiner, Burnham Brittan, F. H., Kelsie, Burnham Brodie and Hurst, Springston Brooks, Thomas, Brookside Brownlee, Thomas, Hororata Brown, G. II., Lofftuss, Dunsandel 315 172, 341, 500 4625 250 500 280 115! 180 409 170 2620 2000 50 535 700 250 1500 250 485 70 270 60 638] 3501 506| 3000: 80 165 400' 7l| 2620 20 1332 14060 350 160 1714 37 680 780 500 130 290 20 1680 1500 43 500 160 400 120 1350 300 61 122 200 60 60 425 300 300 1200 230 300 50 2661 660 1430 12680 270 3 oo 25o 1856 Nil Nil 122 210 55 Nil 7o 3oo 196 18o Nil Nil 13o 175o 19 144o 13 2ooo 295 296 442 2o8 15oo 15o 3oo Nil 192 22o 76 loo 376 2oo 231 looo Nil 15o 485 5o 27oo Nil 1735 1191o 3oo 35o loo l'Jo 98 2o5o Nil 9oo Nil 3o 5o 6o 3o 5 Nil 123 4o6 8oo 1684 215o 32 loo 16o 2oo Nil 13 135 801 450 97 17 195 90J 1925 12C 50 60 76 150 156 5 500 30 250 750 660 1346 2300 23 40 170 866 4f500 1990 I 18 155 22001 210 8000i 221 60 1500 2350 730(1 1001 30 2000 4 7585 145 3o 122o 25 32oo Nil 23o 2oo 25u 3635 2030 285 31 355! 4520 262 220 35O.i