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CANTERBURY AND WESTLAND DISTRICTS. RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1879, 1880, and 1881.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. W9. 1880. 1881. Brodie, <T. McK., Berricdale, Amberley Brown, Jonathan, Rangiora Brown, J. T., Mount Thomas, Rangiora Bruere, Graham, Sefton Buchanan and Wade, Waikari Burgon, Thomas, Crosby, Swannanoa ... Burrell, George, Fernside Busch, Frederick, Eangiora Buss, W. Rangiora Butters, E. and H., Eyreton Cameron, John, Balcairn Cameron, D. and D., Saltwater Creek ... Campbell, C. R,, Springbank Carr and Duthie, Ashley Bnnk Cathcrwood, Hugh, Cast Chapman, Robert,, Springbani Chapman, Thomas, Evreton Charles, James, Oust ...' Chilton, Thomas, BJyreton Chinnery, Charles, Drain, Rangiora Clark, James, Higham Hill, Fernside ... Clark, R., Ashley Bank Clifford & Weld, StonyhuMt, by Amberley Cltst, George, Woodgate, Ohoka Clothier, E. and IT., Eyreton Clothier, James, Clarkville Cook, Henry, Rangiora Coleman, S., Riverside, Amberley Collie, Donald, Ashley Bank Con way, Thomas, Cust Coi'lett Bros.,Cabbage Tree Hat, Amberley Cooper, G-eorge, sen., Oxford Counsell, James, Kaiapoi Coup, Robert, Kaiapoi Courage, F-, Seadown, Amberley Cousins, B., Waikuku Cowens, William, Bennett's Cowens, George, Warren, Bennett's Cowie, James, Waikari Cowie, Alexander, Waikari Cox, J. W. M., Weka Pass, Waikari ... Crampton, G. W., Amberley Crampton, J. and. M., Amberley Crawshaw, Stephen, Loburn Croft, Thomas, Ashley Bank Croft, Francis, Ashley Bank Cross, Joseph, Bennett's Crosslcy, Dnmpicr, Hurunui, Woodend Crosslcy, Dampier, Woodond Crysell, Walter, West Eyreton Cry sell, William, Cust Cunningham, A. and C, Loburn, Loburn Curie, George, Bennett's Daily, Robert, Swannanoa Dalziel, James, Fernside Dalziel, M., Bramdeen, Amberley D'Auvergne, Charles, Rangiora Davies, John, Eyre Bank, Eyreton Dawson, George, Ohoka Deneh, Robert, West Oxford Dennis, Charles, Leithfleld Denton, F., Eyreton Deuton, T. C, East Oxford Derbidge, Charles Longlands, Woodend Dick, David, Loburn Dick, John, Saltwater Creek Diekcnson, J. D., Hillview, Cust Dickson, Walter, Airlie, View Hill Dixon, Joseph, Ashley Bonk Dixon, M., West Eyreton Dixon, James, Ashley Bank Dobson, James,White Rock, Ashley Bank Doggett, W. J. J., Woodend Dolirmann, Dicdrich, Bennett's Doig, P., Cust Donovan, R., Bennett's Donovan, John, West Eyreton Douds, John, Hefton Douglas, George (Exctrs. of), Rangiora Douglas, Thomas, Newland, Amberley... Douglas, James, Basin Farm,Waikari... Dron, John, Baleairn Duckling, Charles, View Hill Duder, William, Culverhouse, Oxford... I 14V, 53 43! — 14945 12000 3155 1910 125 125 60 7 60 46 420 360 500 397 72 1 470 900 1087' 39! 31 180 200 11500 10800 i 198j 180; 275! 320 1 148 90 194 - 90 70 18800' 17000 51 81 80 90 1 142 80 150| 52: 668: 670 310; 20 1100 1309 1960, 1400! 185i 100! 126! — 16 68 8000 7500 152 79 140 282 294 625 1500 400: — 101 29 17000 85 2OS5 120 Nil 89 450 400 100 689 1242 41 150 12371 5 145 496 06 Nil Nil 17000 5 70 90 166 540 22 1194 1200 100 Nil 30 7000 61 Nil 200 1520 Nil 30 291 483 91 140 150 125 8900 202 47 61 6000 Nil 117 94 35 Nil 457 45 Nil 100 350 52 82 200 25 1157 85 110 9500 48 Nil Nil 210 100 376 3 100 7000 360 987 50 Nil 130 480 564' 470| 499' 30i — 250' 78 1 77 90 9020 8000 — ; 1035 53| — 16, - 6000 6387 100! — 1391 19? 61 97: 365; 40 78 46; 440 397 80 80i 35| - 110J 58 452! 300 I — — 130! im 80| 37! 1103J 1067! 118 80s 126: 118; 12645' 9500 53i — 12 51 3401 300 242 170 138 260 — 135 40 140 8900J 8000 130 240| 72 70| 30: 212| 95!

1 Si sen on 31st M:,y. 1S7J 1. 1830. | 1891. (In North Canterbury Subdivision). Jethell, Richard, St. Leonards, Amuri ihapinan, R., Mount, Pani, Rotherham R. A., Rotlierham lacfarlane, John, Kniwara, Bangiora 4000 10413 10191 17100 1358 Nil 10000 11000 1190 998 18700 18132 Total in county 32532 I 422671 31248 30]30 399916419612 I

No. of Shpop on 31st May. 1S79. 1880. 1881. ASHLEY COUNTY (In North Canterbury Subdivision), Addinell, John, West Eyreton Allington, George, Bennett's ... \ Anderson, William, Clyde Grove, Cust j Armstrong, J., Loburn Armstrong, Thomas, Waikari Arnott, W., Ferneide Ashworth, James, Seffcon Ashby, John, Twy Cross, Leithfield Ashworth, A., View Hill Atkinson, Robinson, Swannnnoa Atkinson, W., Marchmonl, Rangiora ... Ayton, George, West Oxford ... I Bailey, Alex., Summer Hill, Balcairn ... Bailey, George, Eyreton Bailey, John, Fernside ... Baker, Fred., Waterclose, Southbrook ... Baker, J., Kaiapoi Barker, Joseph, Loburn Barnes, J. Edward, Swynforde, Waikari Barrcll, Samuel, Rangiora Bartrum, George, Willow, Rangiora ... Barwell, Samuel, Blinkwater, Rangiora : Basselt, S. K., Woodstock, View Hill ... Beal, Henry, Eyreton ... Beere, W. H., Cust Beere, A. J., Cust Beharrell, John, Kaiapoi Bell and Ensor, Ellerbeok, Amberley ... Bell, Jonathan, Foster, Rangiora ... Bell, J. and J., The Walls, Amberley ... j Belcher, Richard, C'outt's Island Bennett, William, West Eyreton Bennett, Alex., Homedale, Bennett's ... Blake, John, Fernside Blackett, Henry, Rangiora Blaeklcr, J. G., Leigh, Cust Blackmoro, T. D., Clarkville Blain, Mary, Lockhcad, Oxford Blunden & Leach, Leigh Farm, Cust Boal and Wright, Mason's Flat, Waikari Bowie, J., Woodend Boulton, John, Cust Bowie, John, Waikari, Woodend Bowron, G., jun., Sea View, Ashley Bunk Bowman, Edmund, Amberley Boyce, David, Sefton Boyd, Robert, Ballygarvie, Bennett's ... Boys, J. C, Southbrook Bradley, William, West Eyreton Brettargh & Pearson, Worlingham, Oxford Bristow, R., Amberley Broadfoot, A., Sea View, Amberley ... Broek, John, Rangiora 638 400 24S 21 950 132 930 150 ]33 40 160 90 220 30| 350! 26 40 405; 2S0i 412 64 773 63 26 102 166 816J 150 22 905 100 715 89 156 35 90 185 251 450 50 20i 90| 270j 200j 597 67 34 700 74 1048 Nil 299 6 987 65 895 81 5 153 47 34 Nil Nil 127 12 1 491 26 79 247 205 360 98 453 50 50 Nil 75 1300 195 225 63 286 Nil Nil 195 27 578 Nil 188 300 700 220 1055 !3 100 Nil 94 8000 300 1764 96 155 2(34 14S 130! 57 270 48 111 175 261 72 74 9 45 150 360 200 450 240 45 120 1150 14 81C8 520 1354 130 Nil 80 1400 50 7500 300 14841 93!