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18. RETURN showing— 1. The Districts into which the Colony is divided for the Purposes of— "The Sheep Act, 1878;" "The Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1881;" "The Diseased Cattle Act, 1880;" also the Cattle Boards appointed under the Act. 2. The Number of Sheepowners, owning under 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 Sheep, also owning 20,000 Sheep and upwards; also Total Number of Owners of Sheep, and Total Number of Sheep, for the Year ended 31st May, 1881. 3. The Number of Sheep, Cattle. Pigs, and Horses, as compiled from the Returns for the Census on 3rd April, 1881. 4. The Number of Owners of Infected Sheep, and the Number of Infected Sheep, on 31st March, 1882. 5. The Names and Residences of Officers holding Appointments under the Sheep, Diseased Cattle, Branding, and Rabbit Nuisance Acts.