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No. II.—EXPORTS. Return showing the Quantity and Value of Articles Exported from New Zealand during the Year 1881.

Articles. Quantity. Value. Articles. Quantity. Value. Lcid—Sulphuric j, Tartaric „ Other kinds Urated and mineral waters Lgrieultural implements ... Ukali —Soda bicarbonate... „ ,, crystals Lnimals, living —Birds ... „ Cattle ... „ Dogs ... „ Horses ... Pigs ... „ Poultry,.. „ Sheep ... Anchors Apparel and slops U-ms, ammunition, and explosives— Accoutrements Military Sporting Pistols Caps, percussion Cartridge cases Fuse Powder —Blasting „ Sporting ... Shot b'rowroot Bacon and hams Jags and sacks — Corn Gunny Other unenunierated ... Woolpacks 3ark ?eche-de-mer Jeer, ale, and porter — Bottled Draught 3eeswax biscuits, plain Jlue Joats 180 1b. 28 „ 56 „ 184 doz. 84pkg. 1 cwt. 4 „ 10 numb. 1 „ 2 „ 27 „ 10 „ 109 „ 1,359 „ 9 cwt. 3 qr. 446 pkg. 2 4 2 69 341 1 4 10 10 5 2,423 23 35 1,095 20 6,813 CofFee —Boasted Confectionery ,, boiled sugars Copper, pig, bar, and sheet Copperware Copra Cordage ,, galvanized iron... Cork Corks, cut Cotton—Piece goods ,, Corduroy ,, Dress prints ,, Other kinds Cotton, raw Curiosities Cutlery Doors Drapery Drugs Druggists' wares Earthenware Engine-packing Fancy goods Feathers, unenumerated Fire-hose and other appli90 1b. 16 pkg. 448 1b. 58 cwt. 2 qr. lpkg. 1,307 tons 10 cwt. 387 cwt. 2 qr. ... 1 „ 12 „ 3 „ ... 400 gross 194 pkg. 1 „ 49 „ 6 „ 260,3961b. 53 pkg. 39 „ 3,944 numb. 329 pkg. 21 „ 46 „ 444 „ 10 ewt. 96 pkg. 28 cwt. lpkg. £ 7 7 62 18 110 A 4 14,435 807 d. 4, 40 54 5,233 22 1,322 142 12,419 1,106 592 2,631 9,868 147 152 391 83 832 66 115 4pkg. 4 numb. 5 „ 5 „ 4,000 „ 300 „ 250 coils 2,400 lb. 365 „ 2 qr. 19,822 1b. 141 cwt. 8 9 72 8 2 1 8 65 32 2 148 543 458 doz. 501 „ 50 „ 8 „ 1 ton 5 cwt. C20 cwt. 4,249 gal. 775 „ 36 cwt. 2 qr. 3,018 cwt. 343 lb. 12 numb. 90 tons 8 cwt. ... 152 pkg. 303| doz. pairs ... 3,465 tons 15 pkg. 24 numb. 50,050 numb. 200 „ ::: 17 „ 8 „ 2,775 cwt. 10 „ 192bndl. 21 bales 2 pkg. 10 numb. Value 3 pkg. 482 numb. 4,071 brl. 1 cwt. 1 qr. 3,066 cwt. 1 qr. ... 206 151 20 17 8 740 1,131 99 145 3,592 12 263 541 2,146 1,009 14,795 23 1 126 3 8 8 1G 5 8,789 88 68 85 4 153 301 7 157 3,130 2 6,164 ances Fire-clay Fish —Dried, pickled, and salted ,, Potted and preserved Flour Fruits — Bottled and preserved Dried, unenumerated ... Currants Eaisins Fresh Furniture and upholstery Fungus Gas plant Glass—Bottles „ Plate „ Window „ Ware Glue Glycerine Gold Grain and pulse— Barley 10 cwt. 220 „ 67,132 lb. 3,221 tons 17 cwt. 117 doz. 24 cwt. 11 „ 1 qr. 10 „ 1 „ 41 pkg. 265 „ 4,328 cwt. Value 6 pkg. 12 „ 11 „ 157 „ 7 tons 13 cwt. 1,530 gal. 250,683 oz. 1 340 2,139 35,008 69 52 34 35 19 4,143 9,735 166 6 34 139 145 222 565 996,867 Jones Jooks, printed toots and shoes Sran and sharps irassware iricks —Bath „ Clay Fire Jrushware and brooms Srushes and combs itickets and tubs —Iron ... „ Wood ,, pearl Beans and peas Maize Malt Oats Peas, split ... Rice Wheat Other kinds Gravel Grindery Gum, kauri Haberdashery HailHardware & ironmongery Hats and caps Hatters' materials Hay Hides Hoiloware Hops ,., Honey Horns and hoofs Hosiery ,,, Indiarubber goods ,,, Ink, writing ... 494,911 bush. ... 590 cwt. 49,563 bush. ... 40 „ ... 60,747 „ ... 1,499,260 „ 7 cwt. 2 qr. 1,265 cwt 3,761,258 bush. ... 579 pkg. 10 cwt. 2 pkg. 5,460 tons 17 cwt. 12 pkg. 155 cwt. 3 qr. 507 pkg. 8 „ 1 „ 14 tons 13 ewt. ... 9,296 numb. 8 pkg. 5 cwt. 3 qr. ... 257 cwt. 1 qr. 45 tons ,,, 3 pkg. 3 „ 1 „ 79,881 459 9,657 9 17,937 142,569 5 990 745,739 383 1 13 253,778 477 606 4,327 99 150 64 9,194 29 47 612 611 65 324 10 iutter handles Janes and rattans 'anvas Jarpeting and druggeting Carriages !arriage materials ,, perambulators ... Jasks, empty Jement Jhains Jheese !hemical manufactures and products unenunierated !hina and porcelain Jlocks ... 'oals Joke Jocoa and chocolate 'offeo—Raw lpkg. 5 „ 57 numb. 6,626 tons 10 cwt. 223 „ 1,582 lb. 59,422 „ 1 27 51 5,621 353 86 1,225