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Table I. —Showing the Percentage gained in the several Subjects of Examination for the Tears 1879, 1880, and 1881. Subjects. 1879. 1880. 1881. Eeading ... ... 872 ... 926 ... 845 Spelling ... ... 722 ... 8113 ... 82 3 Writing ... ... 871 ... 960 ... 952 Arithmetic ... ... 464 ... 53 5 ... 540 Grammar ... ... 264 ... 380 ... 524 Geography ... ... 440 ... 584 ... 620 History ' ... ... 17 0 ... 452 ... 480 The result gained in reading, it will be seen, is lower than that gained in any previous year. Ido not think, however, that the subject was worse presented than in former years, but more stress was laid upon the comprehension of the passage read. If a pupil read poorly, and gave satisfactory answers to the questions on the subject-matter and the language, he was invariably passed; but if, on the other hand, he read poorly, and could not answer the questions, lie was invariably recorded as having failed.

Table II.—Showing the Percentage of Passes gained by each Standard in the several Subjects of Examination for the Years 1879, 1880, and 1881.

Table Ill,t showing the percentage gained by each school in the district, is, on account of its length, given at the end of the report; but the results of it are focussed in the following statement: — Average percentage gained of the passes attainable, 734. The prevalence of measles during the greater part of the year no doubt very seriously affected the state of the schools. Of the 2,929 pupils due for examination in the standards, only 1,499 had attended three-fourths and upwards of the school meetings held during the interval between the examination for 1880 and that for 1881; and, of the remainder, 875 had attended more than one-half but less than three-fourths, and 555 less than one-half, of the meetings. The wretched quality of the attendance revealed here was probably largely due to the epidemic referred to; but the fact that the attendance was very inferior must, in justice to our teachers, be borne in mind in connection with the tables of this report.

Table IV.—Showing the Number of Pupils due for Examination, the Number Absent on the Day of Examination, the Number Examined, the Number that Passed the Standard for which they were presented, and the Percentage of Passes in Standards.

Standards. Average Age. Beading. Spelling. Writing. Arithmetic. Grammar. Geography. History. Standard I., 1879 1880 1881 Standard II., 1879 „ 1880 1881 Standard III., 1879 1880 1881 Standard IV., 1879 1880 1881 Standard V., 1879 1880 1881 Standard VI.,* 1880 1881 Yrs. mos. 9 6 9 2 9 2 11 5 10 11 10 4 12 5 12 0 10 10 13 5 13 3 12 10 13 11 13 11 14 1 13 9 14 7 896 89-7 786 86-8 92-9 840 816 95-1 86-2 905 91-1 92-9 85-1 96-1 982 100-0 1000 86-0 82-5 86-2 833 88-7 86-2 554 71-8 77-8 480 77-0 75.4 37-8 779 86-7 80-0 92 9 91'4 965 930 86-9 956 93 0 833 951 940 80-2 959 980 89 2 85-5 lOO'O 1000 100-0 56-7 70-2 58-4 41-1 519 60-0 495 41-6 48-8 310 300 362 230 32-7 531 80-0 78-6 292 41-8 56-4 266 43 0 468 150 30 3 40-6 800 500 46-5 55-9 673 45-3 420 561 34-5 596 58-2 487 34G 672 1000 78-6 14-5 28-4 401 2O6 49-6 56'7 203 375 743 100-0 643 * There were no pupils presented in this standard in 1878.

Standards. Children Due for Examination. Absent on Day of Examination. A dually Examined. Passed in accordance with Regulation 8. Percentage of Passes in Standards. Standard I. „ n. , in. 841 931 749 274 117 17 69 100 55 19 3 3 772 831 694 255 114 14 601 584 268 70 55 10 779 70-3 38-6 275 48-2 71-4 Totals 2,929 249 2,680 1,588 593 | Not rei irinted.