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STATEMENT showing the Net Issues from the Consolidated Fund, &c.— continued.



Issued. Voted. Amount Unissued. Issued in Excess. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Advances. Total. 57 60 61 62 Class XI. —Ministee poe Public Woeks: — Eailways ... ... ... Architect's Office ... ... Government Domains ... ... Public Buildings ... ... Inspection of Machinery ,,, ,,, Miscellaneous Services f.,, ,,, £ s. d. 523,088 2 10 1,386 o o 1,103 15 5 19,914 12 1 1,803 o 4 3,052 10 7 £ s. d. 34.59° IX 7 10 o o £ s. d. 488,497 11 3 1,386 o o 1.1°3 13 5 19,904 12 1 1,805 o 4 2.55 2 >° 7 £ s. d. 10,514 7 5 130 o o Cr. 16 18 o £ a. d. 499,011 18 8 1,386 o o 1,103 15 5 20,0:54 12 1 1,788 2 4 2,552 IO 7 £ s. d. 562,465 16 11 1,485 o o 1,191 4 o 23,935 o o 1,900 o o 13.469 15 8 £ s. d. 63.453 18 3 99 o o 87 8 7 3,900 7 11 in 17 8 10,917 5 1 £ s. d. 500 o o Total Class XI. 55O.35O i 35,100 11 7 515,249 9 8 10,627 9 525.876 19 1 604,446 16 1 78,569 17 6 63 64 65 Class XII. —Minister or Deeencb :— Militia and Volunteers ... ... Constabulary ... Miscellaneous Services ... ,., 23,807 11 7 234,938 o 10 599 IO 8 37 o 3 166,762 1 8 23,770 11 4 68,175 19 2 599 10 8 71 7 o 13.534 6 11 23,841 18 4 81,710 6 1 599 10 8 30,640 3 9 132,213 17 6 592 10 o 6,798 5 5 50,503 " 5 708 ... Total Class XI. I '3>6°5 '3 11 163,446 n 3 159.345 3 1 166,799 III 93>546 1 2 106,151 15 1 57,301 16 10 708

SUMMARY. I Financial Yeae, 1880-81 :— ClaBS I.—Legislative ... ,,. „ II. —Colonial Secretary ... ... „ III. —Colonial Treasurer j, IV. —Minister of Justice ... „ V.—Postmaster-General and Commissioner of Telegraphs ,j VI. —Commissioner of Customs ... ... ,, VII. —Commissioner of Stamps ... ... „ VIII. —Minister of Education „ IX. —Minister of Native Affairs ... ... ., X.- —Minister of Mines ••• ... „ XI.—Minister for Public Worki ... „ XII. —Minister of Defence ... 35,146 6 5 215,619 17 o 122,270 r 6 243,338 6 o 77,149 1 6 23."4 5 " 263,012 7 8 9,859 18 1 9,234 8 5 5S°>35° 1 3 259,345 3 1 75 18 6 26,533 15 5 964 13 4 '45 8 4 4,771 12 6 374 14 9 147 9 9 1200 87 6 8 35,100 ir 7 166,799 1 11 35,070 7 11 189,086 1 7 52,126 9 5 122,124 13 2 238,566 13 6 76,774 6 9 22,966 16 2 263,000 7 8 8,302 16 10 9,147 1 9 515,249 9 8 92,546 1 2 9,°75 6 4 245 4 10 1,270 19 6 840 11 2 2,659 4 7 306 1 10 262 12 o 35,070 7 " 198,161 7 11 52,371 14 3 •23,395 12 8 239,407 4 8 79,433 " 4 23,272 18 o 263,262 19 8 8,302 16 10 8,989 o 1 525,876 19 1 106,151 15 1 35,300 5 10 191,977 18 6 50,330 5 6 133,706 16 4 261,357 12 1 89,244 5 2 23,897 10 o 276,162 o o 23,14' >3 4 604,446 16 7 163,446 11 3 229 17 11 23,996 3 8 3,177 9 5 10,706 3 6 22,580 17 10 9,810 13 10 624 12 o 13,220 10 5 6,874 12 3 14, '52 13 3 78,569 17 6 57,301 16 10 3o>i79 13 1 4,218 18 2 394 19 10 630 10 5 321 10 1 Cr.158 1 8 10,627 9 5 13,605 :3 " 708 Total 1,624,961 S 7 38,735 i ii 1,663,696 7 6 240,245 8 5 35.752 12 3 1,861,530 19 7 236,569 '4 ° 1,868,189 3 8