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Balances on 31 March, 1880. Net Transactions, 1880-81. Balances on 31 March, 1881. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— Ordinary Revenue Account ... Bills Receivable Account ... Land Fund Account... Accounts op Local Bodies ... Deposit Accounts Deficiency Bills Account ... Treasury Biils Account PUBLIC WORKS FUND -.— Obdinary Account ... SUSPENSE ACCOUNT :— Receipts in the Colony Receipts in London ... £ s. d. 1,522,772 14 3 17,163 2 o £ s. d. 6,921 o 3 90,260 o 2 650,000 o o 1,182,000 o o £ s. d. 3,510,766 8 11 266,793 10 7 "9.563 2 4 87,229 4 1 1,300,000 o o 786,200 o o £ s. d. 3,195,872 8 7 17,163 2 o 299,166 19 o 119,229 2 6 55.7" 15 5 744,200 o o 1,436,200 o o £ e. d. 1,837,666 14 7 £ s. d. 32,373 8 5 6,587 ° 5 58,742 11 6 94,200 o o 1,832,000 o o 2,227,173 14 I 1,960,974 8 8 1,094,174 4 9 I,36o,373 10 2 2,888 11 6 ■S3 13 o 4,9/8,293 o s '53 13 ° 4.97S.79 8 7 5 393 18 6 1>S39>935 l6 3 4,159.396 19 o 1,539,935 l6 3 1,837,666 14 7 3,384,670 9 o PUBLIC ACCOUNT:— Bank of New Zealand in the Colony Bake of New Zealand in London Bank of New Zealand Suspense Account NEW ZEALAND LOAN 1879 DEPOSIT ACCOUNT :— Moneys Deposited fob Fixed Peeiods with otheb Banes in London ... BILLS RECEITABLE :— Bank Dbafts on London Drafts on Royal Mint, London, in Payment of Wobh Silver Coin ... BILLS PAYABLE :— Bills on London SILVER COIN ACCOUNT :— Woen Silvee Coin sent to Melbourne Mint ... ADVANCE ACCOUNTS :— Advances trom the Public Wobks Fund to the Consolidated Fund ... Public Works Fund Investment Account Imperial Government General Account Imperial Government Pensions Account Miscellaneous Imprests Foreign Imprest Account 306,282 18 9 1,229,000 o o 2,619,461 270,996 7 1 2 9 8 ° 4,975,798 7 S 2,i3 I,OI 7 5 ° 179,100 o o 100,000 o o 500,000 o o 580 o o ".937.SI5 '9 8 4,686,826 15 10 2,182,692 14 1 179,100 o o 1,329,000 o o 59S.2S4 10 4 500,000 o o 580 o o 1,037,000 14 7 i,547,oo3 14 5 322,671 16 2 250,000 o o 500,000 o o 250,000 o o 21,080 o o 12,580 o o 8,500 o o 992,000 o o 57,000 o o 274 4 1 32s 17 6 122,343 "6 4 433,230 13 2 1,000,000 o o 94,000 o o 1,560,100 o o 40,000 o o 274 4 1 32,438 4 1 1,262,659 8 1 367,911 18 8 431,900 o o 111,000 o o 32,163 6 3 1,178,717 1 3 118,669 16 7 50 19 8 38,401 9 6 183,988 11 1 3.HO.457 9 10 520,996 7 1 2,619,461 2 9 520,996 7 1 1,869,675 10 7 322,671 16 2 322,671 16 2 10,831,125 16 6 ",903.583 4 10 i,547,o°3 "4 5