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£10 per ton should be offered for sugar produced from sorghum grown in the colony before the 31st December, 1887 The bonus to be payable from time to time to any person producing quantities of five tons and upwards. That when bonuses have been paid upon an aggregate of 200 tons no further bonuses should be paid. Cotton-growing —Your Committee recommend that a bonus should be offered, with a view to ascertain the price at which cotton can be grown, and the suitability of the soil and climate of the northern parts of the colony for its production. Preserved Fruits, Jams, and Jellies. —That with a view to encourage the manufacture of preserved fruits, jams, &c, your Committee recommend that the duty upon imported jams, jellies, and preserves should be increased by one halfpenny per pound. Distillation —That, in the opinion of your Committee, it is expedient in the interest of agricultural industry that distillation of spirits should be resumed in New Zealand, and that there should be a differential duty of 6s. per gallon in favour of the colonial manufacture. Such differential duty to continue for, say, five years. Rape- and Linseed-oil. —Your Committee recommend that a bonus of Is. per gallon should be offered for all rape- or linseed-oil manufactured before the 31st December, 1887, by machinery permanently established in the colony, from linseed or rape-seed grown in the colony The bonus to be payable from time to time to any person producing quantities of 1,000 gallons and upwards. That when bonuses have been paid upon an aggregate of 100,000 gallons no further bonuses should be paid. Remission and imposition of Duties. —That, in addition to the recommendation made with reference to changes in the tariff, your Committee is of opinion that the following changes should be made: — To remit the duty on nitric acid, alum, borax; and to impose a duty of Id. per pound on bacon and hams. Compilation of Pamphlet. —Your Committee recommend the selection from, and printing in pamphlet form, the papers read before the South Australian Chamber of Manufactures, the letter of the Commissioner of Agriculture, United States, and such other information as has been obtained in evidence, especially that of Sir George Grey on the subject of the cultivation of the olive and manufacture of olive-oil ; also the cultivation of sorghum and manufacture of sorghum-sugar; the methods adopted in the drying and preservation of fruit; and also any practical suggestions for the cultivation of tobacco; and that the proposed Department of Science and Inditstries be charged with this duty Manufacture of Farina. —Your Committee are of opinion that the manufacture of farina in New Zealand holds out great advantages to agricultural enterprise, and only requires a commencement to become an extensive and important industry ; and, with this view, they recommend that a bonus should bo offered of such amount, and on such terms and conditions, as the Government may deem .most likely to secure the object arrived at. Department of Science and Industries. —While recognizing the value of the labours of the Royal Commission of 1880 to encourage colonial industries, your Committee, to avoid waste of power by desultory investigation, and to secure continuous and systematic efforts to bring science and industries to bear with success in utilizing the native products of New Zealand, and in the introduction of such native products and manufactures from other countries as are likely to be advantageously and successfully acclimatized and established in the colony, would recommend—That with a view to the extension of the practical usefulness of the Geological Department, the name should be changed to that of the Department of Science and Industries, and the department should be charged with the duty of collecting information, and reporting to the Government from time to time, on the best means of establishing and encouraging the agricultural, mining, and manufacturing industries of the colony; and that the Government be requested to place on the estimates the sum of £1,000 towards giving effect to the above resolution; and, further, that the Government should assist local associations formed in various localities throughout the colony to act in concert with the said Department of Science and Industries in the collection and diffusion of useful information as to how the efforts of the Government and the energies of the people might be most beneficially directed to the further development of the existing, and the creation of new, sources of wealth and means of industrial progress and national prosperity Wm. Archibald Murray, sth September, 1881. Chairman.


Wednesday, 13th July, 1881. The Committee met pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Major Atkinson, Mr. Murray, and Mr. Wright. The order of reference of 7th July was read. On the motion of Mr. Wright, Resolved, That Mr. Murray be appointed Chairman. The Committee then adjourned.

Tuesday, 19th .July, 1881. Present: Captain Colbeck, Mr. Hutchison, Mr. Lundou, Mr. Macandrew, Mr. Murray (Chairman), and' Mr. Wright. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A letter was read from Messrs. Bardsley and Son, Dunedin, asking for modification of duty on ■certaiii articles used in .the manufacture of caudles, soap, &c. After being discussed, further consideration »a& postponed till a future meeting.