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3. That, for the second period of seven years, the rents respectively shall be an increase of onethird, and for the third period, double the amount paid during the first period. 4. The cost of the leases will be £1 ss. each, which includes counterpart and stamps. Those persons who wish to take out leases on the above terms are required, between this date and noon of Wednesday, the Bth August, to sign an agreement to that effect at Mr. Bowen's office, Courthouse, Westport. Those who fail to do so are informed that their names will be reported to the Government, so that the necessary steps may be adopted for the taking possession of the premises by the Crown. Thomas Mackay, Westport, 30th July, 1877 Agent for the Crown.

Form of Agreement to take out Lease. I heeeey agree to take out a lease from the Crown of Section No. , Street, Colliery Reserve, on the terms of the above advertisement. Dated this day of , 1877 (Signature.) Witness:

Gazette and Acts referred to in preceding papers:— Gazette, No. 14, 1876; "The Immigration and Public Works Act, 1875 ; " and " The Westland and Nelson Coal Fields Administration Act, 1877 "

By Authority : G-eobge Didsbitby, Government Printer, ■Wellington.—lBBl.